The Wait List

Which school?


We left our Loomis and Loomis scholar spot. Hope you get off the waitlist. :crossed_fingers:


we havent heard anything from loomis (and are on the WL there; we DID get an email from MSX saying they were fully enrolled and wouldnt go to the WL before A10 (even though it was sent A11 ā€¦LOL)

Have Groton/Milton/Madeira/Mā€™burg sent out anything regarding its WL

For some reason, most of the schools I applied to (including Milton) havenā€™t sent any update emails to me or other people I know, so Iā€™m not sure if it means that theyā€™re full or still considering spots. Iā€™m going to assume that there are still some spots available but honestly idk.

for milton, they havenā€™t been sending updates to me also. from what i saw in the waitlist form, itā€™s for september openings in milton, so maybe itā€™ll be months from now but honestly i wouldnā€™t count on it.

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deerfield is also fully enrolled

Many of the top boarding schools were already moving away from scores so they had a system set up to read applications without scores. Yes they usually cross checked w/scores after reading applications but scores have not been a top factor for a while now. Colleges that got in trouble, on the other hand, did not have a system, or the staff, to read applications without scores. Itā€™s not an apples to apples situation.

I feel like I say this every year but top scores are the absolute least important part of an application - look at the number of kids, with perfect scores, who were flat out rejected.


Did they send an email?

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Iā€™m sure thatā€™s true, but we saw a distinct admission pattern. In our middle school, roughly 80pct go to boarding school for high school, all get the same generic recommendations, and the pool of top performers are very similar. All straight Aā€™s, all NJHS, all strong athletics and ECs, all polished and great interviewers and essay writers. The main differentiator for those applying to 10 Schools was whether they submitted SSAT scores. Those in this pool that did not submit were all admitted to one or more of the 10 schools. Only those those with 97 or higher SSAT that submitted got admitted. Lower scores were all WL or rejected. Our lesson learned was not to submit.

Are u in SAES???

Mmm it is interesting

yes hereā€™s what they said

As of this morning, we have met our new student enrollment goal for the fall of 2022, so we are not turning to our Waitlist.

i applied for grade 11, so if you didnā€™t receive an email, thereā€™s probably still spots in your grade. they also said that you could stay on the waitlist until the school year actually starts in case they have an opening.


I caution you, and others, to assume they know what recommendations say. Not all of those kids are going to get a teachers ā€œtop kid Iā€™ve taughtā€ comment. You donā€™t know which kids rub teachers the wrong way in class. Which kids are obsessed with grades and are grade grubbers, which kids are selfish with their learning, which are generous. Parents are often (really really often) absolutely clueless about what kids are like in classrooms. I have seen this myself many many times. Teacher says kid is like x, parent swears kid is like y.

So basically, you donā€™t know what you donā€™t know and assuming the defining factor was scores is off the mark imo.


iā€™m not sure about berkshire but this is what they said

At this point, we have some very strong returns and I regret to inform you we will not be able to offer you a place at Berkshire next year.

i assume their waitlist is open since they didnā€™t explicitly say they wonā€™t use it and i was just rejected for gr11. but i expect if theyā€™re using the waitlist, itā€™s only a small amount of people.

One thing parent should know, ā€œprivateā€ schools are more like business, it is brutal however it is real, I am sure even recommendation letters from teacher and school wonā€™t play big roles in the admission decision of school, the school makes the decision to its business benefit, not the interest of the applicants. It is insane what I am saying, but parents must look beyond.

Each kid is special, even with home-school education, they will shine in some way.


Has anyone heard anything from Groton or Lawrenceville about their WL?

Latest on Groton is that they are meeting today to discuss enrollment and expect any WL movement or fully enrolled email in next couple of days.

why so late?