The Wait List

They are a small school that prides itself on discussing each student so they could be applying a similar system to waitlisted kids. That’s a LOT of effort.


Possibly the Covid outbreak at school diverting resources.

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I feel like it makes sense for a smaller school like Groton to be on a slightly later timeline, as they have a lot less room for error if they over-enroll–especially with the lingering pandemic. Plus, maybe 20 or so families asked for more time to think about the offer or something, and that number is significant enough for them to have to delay any WL decisions until now.

so obviously, they are not full. otherwise, it is just a binary question.

it is hard to imagine a school as Groton will accommodate to give more time for parents to decide…


Not true. Schools are generally receptive if you need a day or two extra to decide (especially if you have a half-valid reason). At least that was the case with my experience in the process (this was a few years ago at this point)–Deerfield and Hotchkiss were both fine to give me an extra day to decide.

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Although the wait is frustrating, which is why I called, anything beyond patiently waiting for word from the school is at this point just speculation. Remember, the likely reality is that you already know the answer, as harsh as that sounds. As soon as I hear something, I will post it. Hopefully, others will do the same.


didn’t know that. good to know. I believe most of parents will just follow the rules. not sure how one or two days will really change the picture…

The revisits were just a few days before the deadline, many students couldn’t visit until the revisits (since on campus opportunities the last 2 years have been so limited), decision due on a Sunday, etc.


I noticed that Groton said they admitted 120 for 90 spots this year vs. 145 in 2018-2019 per this article: A Warm Groton Embrace for Newly Admitted Students | Groton School.

Groton is actually quite accommodating (as long as it’s not a Covid issue).

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Remember, that if a school knows they DO have a few spaces not only do they have to offer those spaces, they have to give a day or two - or more - for the family to decide. And then potentially go through that again - and maybe even AGAIN before the space is actually filled.

Years ago when my daughter was offered a waitlist spot it was offered on 4/17. We asked for a campus visit before she decided since she was signed somewhere else. We visited a few days later and turned the offer down a few days after that.

Whomever ended up with that spot didn’t get the offer until 4/23 at least.


nice to know schools accommodating a revisit for people on the WL.

I guessed a lot of schools were overenrolled last year. This year, they are very cautious

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Some do, some don’t.

Some want an answer very quickly, some allow more time.

The school that allowed the visit for my daughter years ago no longer does (daughter 2 was waitlisted this year at same school and the school said as much in their waitlist info.)

We were giving 12 hours … and that was me asking for more time from the on the spot they wanted. Son was at school and I wanted to talk to him first. Even though I knew he would at yes. This was last Thursday.

where did u hear that from

This is the norm. Usually by EOD or in 24 hours. A revisit is very rare.

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Same here. We got the call at 6:00 p.m. last Friday. Had to decide by the following morning.

I was referring to extensions for the original 4/10 reply deadline, not applicants who were waitlisted. We got an extra day to respond past the typical enrollment deadline. I can understand how WL offers probably have a much shorter time frame and little to no room for extension.


Agree that it seemed that sending in optional SSAT scores did not benefit my child.