The Wait List

Correct me if I’m wrong, so just because someone received the “fully enrolled” letter doesn’t mean that there isn’t any space for someone else right?

That is my understanding. They have different “buckets” of waitlisted students. They may be full for 9th grade girls, but still have room for 9th grade boys. And so on for every bucket of grade level, gender, day/boarding, financial aid/full pay, international/domestic, etc. You will even see on here that schools have waitlists and then someone gets admitted with a late application before they take another student from their waitlist. It’s a matter of institutional priorities and if you fit what they need to make their vision of the class complete.


The best advice I received on this forum is that being on the WL means making sure you have other plans that work for you.

As pointed out, schools go to the WL if you fill need the “need” they have. Having said that, after M10, everyone is a free agent and kids on WL are actually competing with everyone who may have applied late. If a late application does not require FA and fills a need, the schools may offer a spot to that child over anyone on the WL.

For those with offers and still hoping for a WL. Remember, the school that wants you is not a bad place to be.


My son got off waitlist at great school this week, some lucky 9th grade boarding boy will be getting off another WL with some FA. This is my 2nd child to come off a waitlist in April at 2 ISL schools (different years, different schools). A WL is not a no - good luck to all the great kids on WLs, it is stressful and hard but really being on WL means you were great applicant just not enough FA or not enough space or the board/alumns wanted athletic recruits over academic or arts recruits, or whatever priority AOs were given. Our gratitude to the AOs at a few schools where the warm, candid, responsive admissions department stood out as class acts throughout the process over the years, really changed what our first choice schools were. One thing we did for both kids while on WL - sent more recommendations/accomplishments, sent brief emails to AOs asking for status and asking what concerns if any kept child on WL vs accepted pool. I think it helps to let them know you are very interested and helps to keep you fresh in their head if a spot comes up. We kept kids out of the post M10 WL process because of the heartbreak/stress factor, we just had them focus on current school and the solid backup plan we had in place, and were able to happily surprise them with good news. Again, good luck!


That is true. AOs have a lot of information to process post M10, so being top of mind/top of pile can help in some cases. Just don’t overdo it.


For both BS and college, there is a fine line between showing interest and being a PITA. Both may keep the applicant fresh in the AO’s mind, but not necessarily in a good way. :grin:


I can ask my dorm fac this weekend, but it’s likely full. I had a conversation with a dean a few days ago and they alluded to our enrollment for next year being “a full house.”

Don’t lose hope though, a few of WL’ed students get in at Loomis around the July deposit day. Best of luck to you and your family and hopefully we can see you on the island next fall!

I will echo that there can be movement off the waitlist at schools. I also encourage those still not having any choice next year to look at schools that are just under the top GLADCHEM schools: Pomfret School, Williston, Cushing, Tabor, Portsmouth Abbey… It may be worth reviewing these and other schools like it. Call the admissions office and see if they are willing to take a look. Many count on finding amazing hidden gems of students that were not in situations to apply but by February on, variables change and there are excellent students reaching out and getting into schools during the summer.


Piping in to echo this: years and years ago I was coming from a top private in NYC and got waitlisted/rejected from every school I applied to. I was devastated. My mom quickly regrouped and hired an Ed consultant and within a few weeks I was admitted and visited both Tabor and Pomfret. I chose Pomfret and I would say my experience was nothing short of transformative. I never once looked back or regretted the choice.


How do you know? My child is still on Loomis waitlist, no word from the school yet.

they probably got an email for the grade they applied to. if you didn’t, then it’s possible that your grade isn’t fully enrolled yet. happened to me and a year younger friend in deerfield’s waitlist.

i did this too! waitlisted at 7/8 schools and I sent letters of continued interest to all 7, plus updated accomplishments throughout the month.


Heard that Nobles is overenrolled.

Heard from Concord today that CA is fully enrolled

Is anyone still on the Lawrenceville waitlist? Still have not heard back from them…

My son got waitlisted. I tried to figure out how to take him off after his plans finalized but couldn’t. Haven’t heard a peep either.

did he write a continued letter of interest? or did he just sign up to stay on the waitlist?

He did. Ended up with an offer from a school he preferred. I will say they responded in no way to his letter a Lawrenceville.

If your son goes to Exeter how do you have access to this information?

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