The Wait List

I don’t quite get this - hidden posts can still be seen by unsuspecting readers who are new to the BS world and might get a very bizarre picture of admissions from certain posts.

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Posts are hidden as a result of a post being flagged and (unless already hidden because numerous users flagged) a moderator agrees with the flag. The system hides as an opportunity for the poster to edit it to bring into compliance. If not edited, the system auto deletes it after a period of time… Personally, I think the period of time to auto delete is too long, and have expressed my opinion on that topic to TPTB.


I don’t. What I do stop is users who make posts claiming facts but can’t or won’t substantiate them. Such posts serve no purpose other that to generate dissent and debate.

Not really. You can’t shout “fire” in a theater and you can’t violate a website’s ToS.

All users agree to abide by such when they register. I will link below if you want a refresh. And it’s for that reason why any further posts questioning policy will be deleted.


Exactly! I am donating nothing to a top tier school but a very nice child. We need FA (and before anyone assumes, we are not URMs). It’s not a perfect system, not everyone can get in, there are certainly not enough spots for every child that is qualified, and were it not for big donations from others, my child would be attending their local public school.
So…thank you to those “taking up spots” that add to the endowments!


Thank you for saying this, as it seems to be all too easily ignored these days, both in college and Prep.


Is anyone aware whether Cate School is fully enrolled?


The problem is that you make claims that are iffy at best, outright false at worst. We try to trade in facts on this board and when it’s just our impression we try to be clear about that.


My daughter was waitlisted this year at Groton for 8th grade next year, and ultimately was not accepted. She is considering applying again to Groton and other boarding schools next year for 9th grade, but we would like to improve her chances - take this year’s application process as a learning experience to adjust and improve upon for next year. I emailed the Groton admissions officer to request an opportunity to talk about how to improve her application. It’s been a couple of week, and no response.

Was my ask unusual, inappropriate or unrealistic?

I don’t think anyone will bother to email you back from Gracey to assistant director or associate director. One of my friends daughter applied and got waitlisted. She never got any reply for any email she sent including thank you notes, updates, love letters… Either they are too busy or they just simply don’t care.

I’ve lurked and read a lot of back posts on these boards. I’ve read many things from parent who I know in real life can not be who they say they are. However, I’ve never actually been compelled to post until now.

I have read a lot of your hearsay posts about Groton, some of which have since been removed.
The admins do not allow “questions for a friend”, so I don’t know why you keep posting the experience of your friends.

Groton is certainly not perfect (no school is)! I can speak about that because we are an actual current family. We did have a wonderful experience with admissions throughout the very unsure process for our family.

Instead of your constant negativity towards a school you have shown to have no personal connection to, I encourage your “friend” or their “daughter” to come post their own experience.


Talk me off the ledge please…

DD2 was WL at one of her top 3 choices (committing to another one of her top 3) but remained on the WL with a note saying her drop dead date was X. Well now 2+ wks after X, she receives a package from that school with congrats you are in!!

No email, no call and had this package not arrived…no clue! I wasnt checking the portal bc EVERY SINGLE communication including M10 came by email

DD2 isnt bothered by this at all (she is mentally going to her committed school and would only consider new option once she has more in depth discussions with them etc). BUT I AM!!

And the “acceptance” came earlier in May but delayed shipping etc of swag…another oops!
So despite not hearing from us, no one called or contacted us either

I might have written it off as an error had there not been a personalized note in the package addressed to DD2


Can you say which school?

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prefer not to mention either school

dd2 jsut told me to drop it :slight_smile:


I can speak from experience. Child is a recent Groton graduate. Great school. Admissions office is generally unresponsive in my experience.


Very mature of her.