The Wait List

She’s 15 going on 50 in some ways

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Current groton parent. I found the admissions office to be very responsive when we were applying. That was also before applications doubled due to Covid.

I suspect that your request for feedback is something they simply don’t do. I imagine it’s not possible to give every student who applied but wasn’t accepted feedback.

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Agree with you @one1ofeach -
one of my daughters was Waitlisted at Groton and when we wrote our admissions contacts to remove her from the WL to accept another offer, they both wrote back with thoughtful, kind emails. So my impression is NOT that they are aloof or non-responsive by nature. That said, I wouldn’t expect that schools would offer constructive criticism on applications @9elf. (Still would be nice to be told that ideally.) I think that 8th grade Groton is its own little strange animal with legacies and faculty kids, and I would take a WL in 8th grade as evidence that you are on the right track. I don’t know what your communications have looked like but I do think that come this fall, you might be able to follow up with an email to your admissions contact saying something to the effect of: can’t believe it’s application season again – looking forward to applying again as we are more convinced than ever that Groton is the right fit – if you have any feedback on last year’s application , we are certainly open to hearing it – thanks again and looking forward to the application cycle. And then let it go and assume you were in the right ballpark last year + show growth this year, and then let the chips fall where they may. It’s a tough admit, so know that not getting in doesn’t mean you did anything “wrong.”


Thanks for all the great feedback.

Officially received word from Loomis that it is fully enrolled (would have been too late to swap over but anyway!)

My rising junior officially was accepted into 4/8 schools she applied to (and she wasn’t a repeat junior nor an elite athlete!)


With summer coming to an end and hope officially flickering out on wait list, are people hearing of any other schools where there was late movement this summer? I suspect the list is nonexistent or very, very short, and either way would be helpful data for those on wait list next application cycle.

another example: a boy whose dad is a private school admin got kicked out from the private school in Connecticut (drinking problem and being a jerk) and got in Groton this summer through connections. When they tell you that they are officially full, it always leaves a door open for those privileged kids. I don’t have a problem if the boy is actually a good kid. However, it strikes me that they certainly don’t care about the quality that much. don’t get me wrong. all schools will have that situations, however, Groton always has the reputation to have a higher concentration with ultra rich or privileged kids (good and bad).

I know someone who got kicked out of their school, then transferred to Deerfield…in January. Privilege always wins.

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Perhaps we can move on from privileged kids getting expelled from school (which likely impacts nobody here), and return to the subject of waitlists.


Do schools still send rejection letters? Last time we did this was 4 years ago, and I know we got at least 1, not sure if more. Or is it all on portals?


Email or portal. Nothing through regular mail.


Yes they do sadly reject. Some may have larger w/l than others.

Sorry, I meant to post this on another thread! I was wondering where it went. :slight_smile: But thank you for your reply!

Sorry, I wasn’t asking if boarding schools reject people. I was asking if it was ALL via portals, or if you also still got the good old fashioned “thin envelope,” too.


does anybody know anything about the taft waitlist? just got waitlisted by taft and rejected by my other option, feeling pretty down

So Son was waitlisted at Lawrence Academy and Brewster, but in at several other schools that have much more competitive acceptance rates (Portsmouth Abbey, and Saint Marks school ) Lawrence academy mentioned that if financial aid becomes available, they would take another look at him. I am assuming they take that into account for their acceptances? We are brand new to boarding school applications. Thanks for any advice.

Was waitlisted at Lawerence too. I DIDNT expect that one :no_good_woman:


Yes!Same! I had called after we had the interview and asked if financial aid came in to play when they were making their final decisions and was told yes. So I imagine they take the kids who are full pay first and then kids like mine to put it bluntly. I was also just looking on here to see if anyone had a similar experience because again he was accepted at schools with less than a 30% acceptance rate and Lawrence is well above that


Welppp- I was waitlisted at Exeter- happy to join the thread