The Wait List

waitlists at deerfield, lawerence, exeter, ethel walker as someone applying for 11th grade. I’ll take that exeter WL as a W


I was wondering what around what percentage of applicants that either got rejected/waitlisted are on the waitlist.

It is different for each school and worth a call to admissions. Lawrence Academy WL based on $ and $ available and if people drop off who asked for FA then they go to the WL. Have hope, a friend’s child got into Middlesex (with FA) last year off the WL so it does happen. But we are taking the advice of others who have gone before - “love the one that loves you” we will still put the name on the WL but are now laser focused on the decision on where to go based on who really wants us!


@Momtofourkids , I think it’s always hard when a lot of your profile matches that of families who are FP. They can fill that place in the community without using their FA budget.

But sometimes, if your need isn’t as large, they can get exactly what they need in the class by admitting you without using as much of the FA budget. It’s really a crap shoot.

Btw, even for FP families, there’s a version of this – they filled a bucket with a recruit or legacy, and you are essentially a duplicate.

If it’s your top choice, by all means, join the WL. Families who were offered FA also decline, and $ may become available.


Waitlisted at brooks!

If I recall it was all via the portals. The only physical letters/packages were acceptances. But there are so many schools so some might send a letter.

It depends on their endowment but they’d have their initial offers to full pay and to some students with FA that they see as a good fit and maybe high chance of acceptance. Then if people with FA offers decline they look for similar candidates on the w/l to accept to create that balanced student body. It sucks to wonder if that’s why but if you’re interested in the school make sure they know it. Good luck with it all!


entirely depends on school! Just got a wl notificaiton from a school with STATS which I really appreciate:

1,100 students applied for 100 spots.
WL isn’t ranked (not suprisingly)
take 5-10 students off WL annually

They don’t note day/boarding mix which would be very helpful (as it is a 60/40 day/board school).


Is there a chance that I can get an advantage to be off the waitlist at Exeter?

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Love the transparency. It shows you how competitive it was to be admitted and sets realistic expectations about the w/l.


100% agree, I wish they all did this…

Also may save admissions work, as I am sure plenty of people don’t bother knowing the odds!

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Waitlisted at SPS; what are my chances of getting off?


Waitlisted at Middlesex - when I go to chose to stay on it it give me choice of until A10 or indefinitely - does it matter which to chose? Help!

you can take yourself off the waitlist at any time

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Like I applied only to one school for 10th grade and I really want to know how they decide to admit


Interesting. Maybe the school is trying to figure out your situation without asking directly? A10 means there’s at least one good offer, and indefinitely means no good offers. No idea what they do with that information though.

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We he does have other good offers, some with great FA it is just that Middlesex is his number one - he actually was so very happy he even made it on the waitlist!! I may call to ask, thank you all

We called Brewster and were told the waitlist was merely a factor of finances - we can’t pay the full amount so we are waitlisted until money becomes available.

Maybe reach out to your AO on Monday or Tuesday (today, you may get lost in the mix because there are so many emotions from parents, plus they’re really tired) and tell them just that. Share that your child has other offers and is scheduling revisits but would come to their school if offered a spot (with FA if needed). That way if you had a good relationship with them they can advocate for your family. Also, if there was a coach, special interest faculty, etc your child spoke with you can let them know the same. There will be kids who choose another school and hopefully some of those have a similar profile to your child. But ultimately you have to decide how long you’re willing to wait and potentially either make/forfeit a deposit at another school.

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This is your call. If you are willing to deposit at another school on A10 and lose the deposit if a place becomes available later, indefinitely is the answer. And as @lilyesh points out, you can take yourself off the WL at any point.

Many families, however, want everything settled by A10. They want to deposit once, buy the t-shirt, and start planning for next year.

I can’t say if AOs prioritize one over the other – they are working to create the class they have been charged to create and have fixed FA dollars available to do so. Almost every school, including those with large endowments, will have a budget for FA.


I think I need to join this thread. My daughter has been waitlisted at Deerfield Academy, Cushing Academy and Tabor Academy.

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