The Wait List

Yeah thats what I thought thank you for explaining though

what grades do secondary schools focus on the most

Like I mentioned, “Go where loves you”, not vice verse. The son was on WL by his first choice, and then he went to the one “indicating” to offer him in the interview (sure he got the admission), one year later now, he is thriving there. I asked him, could you be a better of yourself if you were admitted and went to the other one? He said, for sure no. Very funny was he had a chance to be teammate in the sport club with a kid from the other school. No matter what sense, they are even not close with each other. So sometimes, it is just like a lucky draw, don’t over expect.


I wasn’t sure when it was appropriate sending an email (either right after decisions or wait a few weeks) regarding letter of interest. But I still sent an email this afternoon to my hotchkiss AO. Surprisingly, she responded already! She gave me some advice about staying proactive and said it’s too early to know any news regarding the waitlist. She also said she’s hopeful to see me join HK community. Is this a good sign? Or is that generally how AO respond?

I was waitlisted at SPS and it was my first choice. I applied for the ballet program as well. I already sent in a email regarding my continued interest in the school and accepted the waitlist offer. In the email I said if they let me in I would go. What are the chances I get off the waitlist??

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Are there any Exeter waitlists here? If there are pls PM me I’d like to talk about this

i got waitlisted from exeter

what grade did you apply to?


Same! Can I PM you?

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go ahead!

I was waitlisted at Middlesex and it’s my number one. Does anyone have any information about MX waitlist?

I was waitlisted at MX too. They said they only let a “handful” of students in off the waitlist.


Do you have to tell the school if you want to get off the waitlist or can you just not do it at all?

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What happens if you tell the waitlist school they are your 1st choice but through the process while waiting you decide that you are set on your current options?


You can just let the waitlist school know you have committed elsewhere and have them take your name off the list.


It is a courtesy to the school and to others to remove your name from a WL that no longer has relevance to you. A clean WL means the school doesn’t waste any calls should it need to consider alternate applicants.


Of your child gets off the waitlist will they get a welcome box? (Kind of joking, kind of serious, lol)

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Meant to type “if” not “of”

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In our experience with college WL, you get the welcome box only if you say yes to your WL offer. Although it’s not a fair comparison because boxes are less common with college acceptances.

My guess is this will also depend on when and how the WL offer is extended. Later in the process, you are likely to get a phone call asking if you are still interested and give you a relatively short time to make a decision. There is less wooing going on – it’s just above filling the class. If it’s before A10, you’ll be on that schedule. (There are rare exceptions when the deadline will be extended - often a need for a visit.) But the simple extension of an offer doesn’t mean they are posting a box.

Remember that you should only be on the WL for schools you would prefer to attend over the choices you have. If you attend a school, you will almost certainly get their swag.