The Wait List

Received email from AO saying they are waiting for the decisions from several accepted students and will be in touch once they have any news. school is my first choice, not sure how much I should read into it


What school?

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One of the top school

As a boarding student or day? Can we not say names of schools on this forum?

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boarding student



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Could you please share with us which schools kids were taken off the waitlist for? Thank you.


We got a similar email from AO at Middlesex. Not sure if this is the school people are referring to but maybe they sent this email to everyone who has shown continued interest?

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There is a “summer waiting list” link in my Hotchkiss portal. Did anyone else get this? Does this mean I won’t get off the WL on A10?

I am just wondering why people wait to the last minute to make the decision. Is it so hard? :rofl:

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This was our experience with MX as well (3 years ago). Son was waitlisted, and they sent several emails from M10-A10 with updates. Of course, none of those updates resulted in a spot for him (LOL) but they were very communicative. After A10 we replied that he had enrolled elsewhere and to remove him from the waitlist, so we stopped getting emails after that.

Thanks for sharing I will tell my S26 - unfortunately his friend was on the WL last year at MX got accepted on April 12 - she is there now. He is hoping the same might happen but knows very very unlikely. Need to embrace that “love who loves you”!

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I know you meant this as a joke, but for many, yes! Revisits continued into this week. Some folks are trying to figure out whetger they can make FA work. And there are others who have an offer but had been hoping to hear from a WL school before they deposited.

If a school has fewer offers outstanding than beds, they might do something pre A10, but even then, they may want to see what they need before making offers from the WL.

There will likely be a little flurry next week.


Hotchkiss is fully enrolled :frowning:

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Did they email that or did you call to ask?

Got the same full enrollment email from Hotchkiss


email to all waitlisted people I believe.


How does Hotchkiss know they got full enrollment? Most accepted students already replied yes several days before A10?

Yes. Or they may be at capacity for one gender. Or both. Many people respond quite soon. The year DS applied, his school released results at midnight and had their first deposit 2 minutes later!

If schools know they won’t go to their WL before A10, they often try to tell people who are on the WL – just in case they were holding off on final decisions elsewhere.


Are AOs working today?