The Wait List

I would certainly hope not.

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On Easter Sunday? Or in the middle of Passover? No

Our AO wrote me back today on something that could have waited until tomorrow.

For many people today is just a Sunday :person_shrugging. That said, I sure hope nobody is IN an office on any Sunday, but I wouldn’t be terribly shocked if some people are checking email especially given how busy a time it is for admissions!


How long does it take to fill out an acceptance form with deposit (on Ravenna)? One hour? Two? We were told waitlist movement could happen Monday morning and wondering how long to push acceptance at the school kid will likely attend?

Took my about 10 minutes to read the contract closely (was only 3 pages) and 15 seconds to sign and press submit. There was a choice of payment plans and a signature and that was it.

Deposit was a separate form outside ravenna for us. I put in kids name, parents name /billing address and cc number. All of 1 minute.


Called MX admissions in the morning today because we had to make a decision on DD’s acceptance at another school - it’s highly unlikely they will go to WL today. Now their WL is one name shorter.

We are officially done with this process!!! Everyone still staying on WL - good luck to you!


Congrats, where did u commit to?

Do you mean they told you they won’t be going to wait list at all? Or just not today?

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Has anyone heard anything from PEA, Choate or Groton?

I just received an email from MX that the school is already full, and they won’t be able to offer a place for my DS before April 10th. I’m not quite sure if the email is only for me or if it’s for everyone on the WL. Wishing everyone else good luck!

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PEA said they were looking at the WL and suggested they had reached out to people on WL. They seemed to be waiting for confirm/answer from those who got offers off the WL.

Middlesex sent the email to all the kids (including mine!) who are on the waitlist - they are full as of early April 10th! Highly unlikely they will go to WL as they are full this early in the day.


We will be late applicants. So is the regular admissions season over? Wait list is now starting? When can we apply rolling?

Does anyone know what k-12 type schools in boston are now open for rolling? Like rivers bbn milton nobles? Or even what k-8 schools are open and rolling now?

Exeter sent an email and said they were fully enrolled.

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None of those schools offer rolling admission.

How do you withdraw froma waitlist? Nothing on the portal, so should we just email them?

That would work!

You may still end up getting an email asking if you wish to stay on the WL. A lot of this is managed by their tech.

Your approach is courteous, and that’s always good!

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Agree it is very unlikely any of those schools you listed would be accepting new people at this point.

Some K-8 may have openings for selected grades - particularly the more progressive or smaller or newer schools. That said middle school grades usually the most in demand grades IMO, as that is when a lot of public parents start noticing their kid’s needs aren’t being met

Also the “international” schools like ISB or BISB are usually rolling. Chapel Hill Chauncey Hall is sitll sending us post cards as well (they are rolling).

Any news about the Lawrenceville waitlist?