The Wait List

What school are you wondering about, maybe someone here has heard from this school?
I would think eventually they do but maybe they just keep you on waitlist through summer.


Andover sent an email (at least to us :grinning:) yesterday saying that they were full. Students can continue to stay on the waitlist through spring and summer in case something opens up.

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“What school are you wondering about, maybe someone here has heard from this school?”

Caution about relying on what others have heard! A school may send an email out to all boys on the WL saying they will not be goingto the WL. But they may be adding girls. Or only girl boarders, in which case girl day students would also get the message.

The only message you can rely on is the one you get from the school.


Not sure if it helps, but we received an email from Taft on April 3, that said they would not be able to offer a waitlist placement prior to April 10th and suggested we accept one of our other offers (which we did). They did offer the opportunity to keep her file active during the spring and summer if she wished (which we declined). Daughter was applying for boarding, 9th grade.

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Thank you! We have not received any communication. We were applying as a day student.

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If you did not receive an email (mine was sent to me, not my daughter) I would give them a call/with perhaps a follow-up email to the address below. If for no other reason than to let them know you want to remain on the waitlist.
here is the pertinent section of the email they sent-
“XXX, assuming that XXXXX has been admitted to another school, we would encourage her to take advantage of that opportunity. If, on the other hand, XXXXX does not enroll elsewhere and would like to remain on our wait list throughout the spring and summer, we would be glad to keep her file active. Please email the Admissions Office ( to formally let us know if XXXXX would like to remain on the wait list throughout the summer.”


yes we got an email. we applied as a grade 9 boarder male


Nothing from Groton here

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Still nothing from lawrenceville either!!! Why would it take this long.

take it as good news, it means their definitely going to the WL


did they send out an email to just you or both you and your son?

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I just got an email from Groton saying that they were fully enrolled at this point.

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Yeah, that’s not what it means.


What does it mean then

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It doesn’t mean that they are “definitely going to their waitlist” as the previous poster stated. It could mean that they are still finalizing the class and don’t know, or that they are fully enrolled but haven’t sent the email yet (most likely, IMO). You can always call or email admissions if you need an answer.


My DS just heard from a pal that Choate sent a letter earlier in the week saying the class was full. His pal has not heard from Loomis or Andover yet. Anyone hear from those schools?

Yup just got it, too.

If they are fully enrolled, they send the email ASAP. They know it helps with families’ decisions to know as soon as possible. And if enough people who were admitted M10 decided to matriculate there, they are fully enrolled. This means that if the fully enrolled email was not sent, enough people did not say yes, and they are absolutely going to the waitlist, even if for one person. Not sure how this is hard to understand.

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Andover is full for 10th M.