The Wait List

It’s possible that they are fully enrolled AND that they will maintain a “summer WL” - just in case. Or that they don’t quite know where they are on that front - they may have yeses with deposit issues or they may anticipate potential visa issues with students with plan to attend in the fall. Nobody knows.

But if you haven’t heard, there is still a possibility that they will go to the WL, and that is definitely more positive than having news that they definitely will not go to the WL!

And it means that the pool you are in is one that may see movement.


In the scenario you mentioned, they send a fully enrolled email anyway. Similar to this:

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It may be coming! But my fingers are crossed for you - sounds like you would like to be offered a spot.

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No haha I’ve already enrolled at PEA. I was just trying to say to another person on here that if you still haven’t heard anything yet, they are definitely at least going to the waitlist.

what did they say? where did u find it?

My son is on the waitlist at BB&N and Rivers for 9th grade, has anyone heard from these schools?

We are also still on a waitlist and haven’t heard a word. Do some schools just not send any emails at all unless you get a spot?

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They will all generally update if they are fully enrolled and / or the waitlist is closed.

Some schools do not as there are always the possibilities over the summer and they like to keep their options open.

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Wouldn’t they send an email asking if you want to stay on the waitlist for the summer

They may. Many need to figure out exactly where they are now, and it’s still changing, even at the margins. The kid who paid a deposit at SPS may get off Groton’s WL. It may create an opening at SPS, or it may create a bit of relief if they are overenrolled. But if they lose 6 kids, that might be a different story. This is how/why schools that still have a WL may not go to them - or might!

You are right that most that maintain a summer WL ask if you want to be on it. And that is generally closer to summer. The families that thinks they want a summer WL now may not feel that way after getting into the on-boarding process at the current option.

We are now only 1 week past A10, and there is still some shuffling going on. Sit tight!


Thank you

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if u arent applying to concord as a 9th grade boy boarding you might not have received the email which might mean they are still looking through waitlist, but im thinking of calling the school to ask if the waitlist is closed since it has been such a long wait.

Has anyone heard from Lawrenceville? That seems to be taking a long time too.

I suggest you call Lawrenceville directly, esp. if you are still interested.

To all who are thinking this is “a long wait”…

At some schools, they will know as they approach A10 or shortly thereafter that they are not fully enrolled. They may have expected 60% of the people who were admitted to enroll and it may have been 40% who did. They will go to their WL quite quickly.

At other schools, they may be at capacity but they may anticipate some “melt”. This is normal. Some students who enrolled may have gotten WL offers from schools they preferred and withdraw… others who enrolled may have other issues - health, financial, visa, change of heart. In these cases, the school may maintain the WL to fill these spots if they have a need. It’s kind of like being an alternate for an Olympic team.

Schools who are over capacity on A10 can safely say they will not go to their WL and you will have been advised of that by them.

If you are waiting for WL movement because you do not have an acceptance in hand, you should reach out to ask for the timing. If you can truthfully say that you will take an offer if given one, then let them know. You can even say you are on 3 WL and you will enroll at the first that makes an offer – if it’s true.

If you know you are happy with your current option and are just curious, please let them know you are enrolling elsewhere.

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female boarding, no emails at all lol, can u help me ask about it as well?

From Concord (9th grade male day student)…

"I am writing to share an update on Concord Academy’s wait pool. We are currently fully enrolled; that said, should plans change for some of our currently enrolled families, we may utilize the wait pool over the summer. "…


im also a female boarderr what grade did u apply for? i might ask abt it this week ill tell you what they say

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they just sent out an email
did u get it?