The Wait List

My child isn’t attending Canterbury next year, but we made an inquiry during late summer … received an email yesterday about May open houses for potential applicants for 2024-25 but the email also mentioned limited spots available for this coming year, just in case anyone without a set school at this point is interested.


Sent an email and got no response. I was actually just wondering if anyone got off the waitlist or heard that it was closed but it doesn’t seem like anyone on this board was on it.

trying calling admissions they usually answer the phone

My son is very happy and excited to be going to one of his top choices (St. Mark’s) but I am a bit curious about two of the schools he is waitlisted at and which he applied as more safety schools than anything but when we called we learned it was due to lack of FA but we kept him on the list at the time. Neither of these schools has reached out via general email saying they are full or are done going to the WL - does anyone have any experience as to why they would not follow up? I actually want to take him off the WL at both these schools but am unable to logging into his portal and really do not want to take the time to call.

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Then just leave it. They probably don’t care either way…

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Lol Good point!


confused - why do you care about what happens to WL at a safety when you would have gone to St M anyway? why would you stay on the WL at ALL once a better school offer came in / was chosen for A10? You can easily just send an email to the AO


Have your child email the AO they interacted with thanking them for their help but letting them know they’ve accepted a spot at another school and can be removed from the w/l. Common courtesy, good life skill, and saves everyone time should a w/l spot open up.


He has reached out to all that have helped him along the way - and has impressed us with his graciousness and courtesy! These two schools in particular have not reached out to all involved to say they are full (like Middlesex and others) so I was more curious than anything - why would they not send a general email out of common courtesy on their end - did not mean to spark confusion lol!

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We have also not heard anything at all from a school. I wonder if it’s the same one.

Some schools keep their WL open, even through summer, because they lose kids then. It is, after all, only a few weeks past A10, so they may still be filling those last few spots - some of which may be new openings and the result of an enrolled student taking another WL offer.

While most schools - more to help themselves than as a courtesy to applicants :wink: - reach out to figure out who wants to stay on the WL or to say they are full so “please, don’t call!”, some will work through their list more quietly. Way back when, nobody heard anything about WL movement, but as they’ve become a more important part of enrollment management, the standards have changed, but not uniformly.

You may also want to make sure you weren’t asked to accept a place on the WL and didn’t because you liked your choices. Doesn’t sound like it, but an easy thing to overlook in the excitement of M10.


Just curious if everyone ended up hearing from their waitlisted schools that the wait list is closed, or they get a spot off of it. Are there any schools that have still not given any updates?

Got Tabor Academy notice that their waitlist closed

still havent heard from lville…


Did you try calling


its been almost 4 months since m10. and well, just heard that someone got off the wl from lville…


Interesting! A boarder or day student and how did you hear?

I had heard they were under enrolled last week


there was an article posted by a prep school counseling team in china. it was a 10th grade girl boarder.


Unsurprising, although I do recall hearing '23-'24 prefects complaining about the opposite. Maybe I heard wrong? It certainly came as a shock to me…