The Wait List

@wjeanj2005 Wow that’s disappointing with sister having been accepted earlier to one. I like your approach. If he doesn’t get off the waitlist, I would encourage him to try to find out why he was rejected from the other schools. Although painful, and they may not say anything other than we had a lot of well qualified applicants, if you can find out anything it can help if he decides to reapply.

@Frenchfrey I know of 2 students last year who each got off a wait list - one at Blair and one at Mercersburg. Both were pulled off after April 10th and were told they could only be admitted as full pay.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter what happened last year or previous years, as each application cycle is different. From your other post it sounds like you have acceptances to 3 other schools, so I would advise you focus on those instead of the WL schools. You have your choice of 3 great schools, and there is a lot to be said for that. I wish you the best of luck as you make your decision!

@dramakid2 thank you for the information. I will definitely focus on the schools that have been accepted into but I also want to do everything I can for the schools that placed me on the waiting list. I was planning on writing a deferral letter and wanted to know if anyone had advice on what exactly to write?

So I know that when schools waitlist students, they will fill holes left by people who didn’t accept. So what if you aren’t strong EC wise, but are incredibly strong academically, as in 97 SSAT, and straight A student in all honors/ap classes at a top public school? Will they use you to fill a hole of someone who is also strong academically, or what? With no hook, and a day student waitlisted at MX and Saint Mark’s.

Stats aren’t the only consideration prior to M10. The analysis includes how they think you’ll fit in to their community and that actually carries a lot more weigh than stats. There are some very smart accomplished kids out there who aren’t cut out for BS in the ways that really count. Day students aren’t immune to the same kind of scrutiny either. Sometimes a WL decision is a polite nod that you’ve met their standard academically ( well done! ) but they have someone else in mind. You just never know.

The flip side of that is a candidate falling slightly short of the standard with their stats or ECs… and getting an acceptance based on the AO believing that they’ll thrive regardless and bring something more valuable than their mediocre ECs or an 80 SSAT. A diamond in the rough kid will trump an over programmed kid any day of the week-whether its prior to M10 during app deliberations or when they go to the WL.

Always easier said than done, but hang in there. Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

So, I was wondering if there was a way I could politely ask admissions about why I got declined? (Not now, during summer-I understand they’re busy with the new applicants right now). I don’t want to sound petty or anything-I just want to know what I could have done better so when I reapply next year, I’ll know what to fix.

So I’m writing these letters of continued interest to schools. Who am I supposed to address? The head of admissions or the admissions office?

They won’t tell you. Or they will spout platitudes: “So many qualified candidates for so few spaces.”

If your previous contacts have all been with one AO, address it to him/her. But it’s really not a big deal - it’s just added to your file so they will all see.

Thank you! @skieurope
I was wondering about this Andover waitlist top 25 or something… like the top 25 students on the waitlist get a separate email. Is this just a rumor or is it true?

Thank you again!

I have never heard that, and I am of the opinion that schools do not rank the WL.

They won’t, and even A10 is optimistic as the many posts in this thread will attest @Pansy23 Patience please

Has anyone heard back/approached by the schools? folks who were waitlisted on March 10? Please advise. My daughter hasn’t heard back and I wasn’t sure if any school will contact the waitlisted applicants prior to April 10?

Please advise.

There are some schools that may keep a “special” waitlist. In fact I know the Peddie keeps a specia one for the summer. They sent out a general email closing the wait list to some, but then a personalized email asking to stay on a summer waitlist even though the waitlist was closed. I think some AO’s also have a ranking in their minds of a kid they will fight for if they do go to the waitlist. We will never know all the inner workings!

oh, thanks for the quick response. We only received one email on March 10 from Peddie and submitted the WL inquiry form, Same for PDS and Pennington. Haven’t heard after that.

@momof3swimmers that’s interesting to know because even though we asked to be taken off of the WL last year, two schools sent us that late email asking us if we’d like to stay on a summer waitlist and continue to be considered should a spot open. Things that make you go hmmmm.

@Pansy23 it’s way too early to hear anything. We also were in communication with our AOs at all schools after Mach 10. I forget our timeline of communication however.

Have there been applicants needing FA who got off the waitlist?

@Totorocinnamon03 - Yes, in past years there have been applicants needing FA that got off the waitlist. However, as many have said, the chances of ANYONE getting off of the waitlist are slim.

Would the FA applicant get FA or have to be full pay?

@FunintheSun1211 Schools will continue to assume you need the FA unless they hear otherwise from your family and will not offer you a spot unless they are also offering you some FA.