The Wait List

Just want to let you all know that there is movement on the waiting list at SPS.

@RuralAmerica I do need financial aid. When my mom called the Admissions Office, they said that they calculate the remaining FA from students who didn’t enroll and then divide it on a need-basis to those they want to accept from the waitlist. I guess we’ll just have to wait!

@mamaduke3 Are you posting because you know someone who declined their spot or because you know someone who got off of the waitlist? Seems early to be going to the waitlist as revisits haven’t even started

I believe that revisits are finished now at many schools, including my daughter’s. Admissions can definitely move on WL now (if necessary) based on how many deposits submitted at revisits, as they will have historical yield data to rely on. Ex. Historically x% of class will have turned in deposits at revisit and x% will wait another week or so to A10. If the number of acceptances is down after revisits, school willl know to get busy on WL and not wait until A10.

@Kthor626 SPS admissions don’t begin until next week. That’s why I was asking for clarification.

But I agree with your point about historical percentages and yield

To add to @HMom16 if you look at the revisit day thread, many schools have not even had a revisit day yet

[Let the numbers speak]

At the GLADCHEMMS type of schools, or any tier one schools as you know, does any one know the number of WL students relative to the number of admitted students?

If the processes are as straight-forward, why no schools would publish the number of admitted, the number of waitlisted, and the number of rejected? (They should add up to 100%.) We have seen the schools publish all sort of good looking yet incomplete data.

Why won’t any of them put out the number and let the numbers speak to us.

What do you think the numbers would tell you?

That you should’ve applied to more schools that weren’t " GLADCHEMMS ". What do I win?

@HMom16 no I someone that was taken off the waitlist last week.

No, I know someone who was taken off the waitlist last week.

I didn’t know another/better name so I just borrowed this meaningless term " GLADCHEMMS ".

But my point of discussion is not to single out the admission policies at " GLADCHEMMS " but rather the lack of data for all schools (boarding schools and competitive colleges as well).

The lack of data is by design. Boarding schools are private and they don’t owe you anything. :wink:

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Has anyone heard from schools that they were waitlisted to? (As in they’re fully enrolled or something?)

Before and after A10, you’ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. You’ll also see discouraging posts saying that your school has closed their WL. Please disregard those posts unless you’ve received the same letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO.

@Heading2HS In 2016 Lawrenceville offered spots to 354 students (to fill an incoming class across all Forms of approximately 226 spots). L’ville waitlisted an additional 457 students and rejected 1,083 students. That doesn’t mean that 128 students have to decline their acceptance before L’ville goes to the Waitlist, since they may be looking to fill certain buckets (number of international students, domestic geodiversity, enrolment in specific Forms, sports, music).

From The Lawrence (2016): “On Thursday, March 10, Lawrenceville offered admission to 354 of the 1,894 applicants looking to enter as II, III, IV, and V Formers and postgraduate students for the 2016-2017 year. The applicant pool, slightly larger than the previous year’s, yielded an 18.7% acceptance rate. Of the remaining 1,540 applicants who were not offered admission, 457 were waitlisted, and 1,083 students were denied admission.”

From McMillan Education’s website: “Is a waitlist ranked? Understanding of how a waitlist is composed can help answer this one. A coed boarding school, for example, will admit a full class of boys and girls into grade 9, but will also admit a number of additional students into grades 10, 11, 12, and sometimes even bring in post graduate students. This reality points to a number of demographic variables within a given year’s applicant pool, and the challenge faced by an admission office to balance a class. Variables include, boys; girls; day; boarding; grades 9, 10, 11, 12, and PG; domestic and international. Within the domestic pool, schools strive to draw from many States, and the international applicant pool is no less complicated.”

@mamaduke3 which school was that?

St. Paul’s School.

For those who are looking for plan B’s, I got an email a few minutes ago listing schools that still had openings for this Fall. Some of them include: Portsmouth Abbey, Tilton, KUA, Winchendon, Canterbury, Pomfret, Nathan Hall & South Kent. You may look into seeing if these schools have what you are looking for
you may just find the perfyfit for you!

And this is not the entire list will have the exhaustive list, if you’re interested.

That’s exciting but disappointing at the same time my daughter is on the waitlist at Portsmouth Abbey she’s a hockey player AAA hockey player the coach actually recruited her but she was put on the waitlist I think because of financial aid so maybe we’ll get a call if you saw an email that they have spaces available?