The Wait List

Those are all great suggestions thank you to all three of you for those suggestions and schools I think I might have to spend my lunch hour tomorrow making a few phone calls to see who might be seeking a girl hockey player for their freshman year

Are there any tips to increase my (very very small) chances of getting off the waitlist for Andover?

@willmo - I donā€™t see your results on the decision thread but I know from the Freakout thread that you had a rough M10. Iā€™m so sorry. What grade did you apply for and where else did you apply? Do you need FA?

@willmo you may want to look at the list of schools with openings. Your gem may be waiting there for you!

@PhotographerMom I applied for ninth grade, PA, PEA, DA, Lā€™ville, Choate, Hā€™kiss, MX, Cate, St. Paulā€™s, and I did need FA

Ouch. @willmo - I assume youā€™ll want to hang on to your waitlists for now , but does the advice we gave Bugoff appeal to you , or are you going to reboot with the same list or a different list ( with maybe some new schools added ) for next year?

@PhotographerMom and @buuzn03 thank you both for you thoughts I see you both have some time on here for sure!!! I am very new to it all as you saw my post BS was the last thing on our mind. I will keep you posted. We will hear from Northwood within the next week. they are on their rolling admission and asked us to get all the application wrapped up after meeting her last week. The coach has had phone calls with us and was able to see her play so I feel positive something good might come out of that if she does not come off the Abbey waitlist. Again thank you both for your help.

Welcome @BugOffA ! We are wishing you the best and sending positive thought your way. Keep us posted :bz

@Golfgr8 Thank you!!! I love the bugā€¦my name is from the love of my 1970 VW bug and I am from Canada so that was my lic. plate at one time on my bugā€¦since I couldnā€™t fit the EH. I had to go with BUG OFF A

Iā€™ve heard that they had a great year at St. Georgeā€™s @Frenchfrey , so Iā€™m not optimistic about their waitlist. But definitely call and speak to them if you havenā€™t already.

@GMC2918 do you suggest calling all the schools and asking if they anticipate any waitlist movement???

@PhotographerMom Iā€™m probably going to try again next year, applying to the same schools (and some new ones)!

Just wonderingā€¦ has anyone received an email from Choate regarding waitlist updates? I received an email yesterday soā€¦

What did your email say about their waitlist?

The email we got from Choate was basically just checking in: sorry we havenā€™t been in touch, still do not know if there will be any waitlist movement, go to another school if you got accepted, etcā€¦

Yes @Frenchfrey, I do. The ones that you are most interested in. It shows interest and maybe they will be able to give you some indication of movement. Donā€™t get your hopes up, but certainly give it a shot. GL!

ETA - tomorrow is revisit day at St Georgeā€™s so Iā€™d wait to call them until Monday

I think I got the same email as you. @bump219

Loomis Chafee has moved to their waitlist.

Has anyone heard from other schools regarding wait list besides Choate? Like Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, Milton, St Paul, Hotchkiss and Lawrenceville

Late last night, 4/7/2018 after 10:30 pm, we received an email from Taft saying that they will not be going to their waiting list ā€œdue to record numbers of applications this yearā€ which doesnā€™t exactly make sense. I guess what they meant is that many of their accepted applicants said yes to Taftā€™s offer. The letter gave the option to keep hanging on but encouraged the recipient to accept other offers. The letter was addressed specifically to my child and used the first name in the middle of the body of the letter. So, I canā€™t tell if it was a mass mailing. This is just FYI.