The Wait List

hotchkiss called just now… don’t know what to do. technically i just sent in the deposit for mx yesterday.

@random666777 i guess it depends if you think Hotchkiss is worth an extra deposit… congrats on being in that position!

Did you visit both Middlesex & Hotchkiss ?

@mamaduke3 Do you know what grade for the waitlist movement and how?

Hotchkiss sounds like they are showing their love a little late. When I applied to military scholarships after getting accepted to medical school, the Army called first and offered me 4 years. After screaming, Is this real? I happily accepted. The Navy called an hour later. They were too late to the party. Never looked back. So happy with my choice and loved the branch of the service who loved me. So happy to have had the opportunity to be an Army Officer.

Thanks! @buuzn03

Yes. Personally, I loved the Hotchkiss campus more because of the scenery and the sheer size of it, but Middlesex is in MA, and that’s important to my mom. @Publisher

@random666777 If you know unquestionably (without further questions or need to revisit) that you prefer and are a better fit for Hotchkiss, you could technically cancel the check first thing in the morning and not be out the cost of the deposit. However, I’d suggest following that immediately with a call to the AO to explain what happened, the rationale for your choice and humbly thank them. But if Hotchkiss was not a clear favorite all along, perhaps better to “love the school that loves you.” Good luck!

Thanks for the advice! @Altras
My biggest concern is about the impact this has on my college applications… I know I will get a great, well-rounded education at both schools, but my family is spending my college savings for boarding school, so I’ll have to apply for full aid in the future, which will definitely hurt my chances. Especially as an international student. With a bigger school like Hotchkiss, college applications will be more competitive, and I would have a harder time standing out from everyone else (at least that’s what I got from floating around in the forum…).
Also, the tuition at Hotchkiss is cheaper than MX’, and that will impact my decision. Athletics is something that I have to consider, too (Hotchkiss has better athletics than mx??).

I was committed to MX before with the whole “love the school that loves you” mantra in mind, and I never thought something like this would ever happen to me, but now I just don’t know.

My daughter was one of the students who decided not to go the Hotchkiss. It was at the top of her list (mine as well) before the revisit days. Love the schools that love you is great advice. My son was waitlisted last year to his “Top” choice. He ultimately stayed with the school that accepted him originally. He could not have been happier with his decision.

I don’t think Hotchkiss has a better name than MX. Where do you feel you can do your best work? Financials aside,You want to feel comfortable and love your school.

@new%20england My son had the same experience as yours and we are so glad his original top choice WLd him because he interacts with that school frequently, now, and knows it was not the right one for him!

Edited user tag

@boy0404 9th grade girl full pay.

PSA took a girl off their waitlist last week. Hockey Goalie 9th grade.

@random666777 If you haven’t yet, I would encourage you to read the Student Handbook at both schools. They are very different.

In addition to size, Hotchkiss is much more remote than MX. It also has significantly fewer day students. Hotchkiss has Saturday classes several times a month. Day students are given dorm rooms to use while on campus while MX assigns lockers. Most Hotchkiss students are on campus on weekends, evenings, etc. while MX students may be at home, visiting a day student’s home, spending the day in Boston, etc.

In terms of sports, without knowing your sport, its difficult to tell which is better. However, you can improve and have fun at both schools.

The schools are comparable in terms of academics and college admissions but when we looked at the two (and spoke to deans) we found MX to have more required classes and less flexibility in tailoring the classes to the student. This may not be a concern for you but it was for us.

My kid was in a similar situation to yours and chose the school where he got off of the waitlist. It is absolutely the best place for him. Please feel free to PM if you have any questions.

It’s tough to decide but you have two great options! Good luck!

Remember: Hotchkiss has a golf course ! <:-P

Did anyone get a similar email from TAFT like @Heathie did?

has anyone heard anything from Exeter?

The waiting list movement can be like a chain movement - carrying through multiple schools or can be just one isolated spot. WL movement at the top tier schools are more likely causing a chain move. So has anyone see updates from PA and EA?