The Wait List

Also note…just because you hear about people declining admits to a given school, that doesn’t mean a space opens up. Schools factor in yield (the percentage of admitted students who matriculate), which seems in most cases to remain relatively constant…and if anything, only goes up over time.

@PhotographerMom , thanks for your suggestion. I am not a person making call to AO directly. I sent email to inquiry without response yet. Maybe I should be a bit bold.

I asked to have the other thread deleted because there was already a thread. Since there’s another thread, it sort of made it seem like my new thread was just to brag (not my intention!)

Be bold, @sadresult . Seriously- rip the bandaid off and call but I’d have a parent call. What’s the worst thing that can happen? They’ll either put you out of your misery so you can move on or they’ll give you hope by asking you to hang in a bit longer.

In my mind- that’s a lot better than languishing in the desert forever .

Is it a bad sign if I haven’t heard from the school yet?

@boy0404 - Why don’t you ask a parent to pick up the phone and find out?

@PhotographerMom I would… but I’m an international student and my parents are both far away and probably asleep…

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@boy0404 - Are you only waiting for Loomis?

I’d discuss this with your parents first but I’d either have them call or send an email to the AO you worked with or the DOA. You’re always free to wait longer without initiating any contact ( it’s your abyss ), but if you’d like to know what your WL status is now- that’s your best option if you haven’t heard anything yet .

@PhotographerMom Yes I am only waiting for Loomis and thank you so much for the advice! I think I will contact them

Ask your parents first and good luck!!

Just got an email reply from AO from Exeter. He said they are at capacity and will not be accepting students off the WL. He added that the school is sending out an email today or tomorrow. But… I agree with @PhotographerMom that you should wait or contact them yourself.

BTW, my daughter was applying as a 9th grader.

It does not signify anything - negative or positive- if you have not heard any news yet. It is too early for decisions to have been made regarding the status of the wait-list at most schools. Although I agree that a parent should call and express continued interest and ask for an update, I would make those calls next week when the dust has settled a bit. This week schools are swamped with last minute questions from accepted applicants. Beyond making that call, and perhaps submitting an update if you have something significant to add to your file, there isn’t much you can do from this point onward other than review the numerous advice threads about this.

Starting (perhaps) next week, some schools will send a mass email updating the status of their wait list; some will definitely close the lists, some will send a discouraging letter saying it is highly unlikely they will take anyone off the list but you are welcome to stay on the list until X date, some will say we expect to take a very small number off the wait-list, and variations on all of the above. Some schools may not send any letter at all until June or later. Eventually every school sends an email saying that the waitlist is closed for this year, thank you very much, yadda yadda.

Some students who are on the wait lists at the same schools that you are waiting to hear from may get different letters than you receive so don’t assume that just because one CC student was told that the wait list is closed that it is also closed for you unless you received the exact same letter. I suspect many schools make a smaller “maybe” pile at this point of identified students who fit a particular hole that the school hopes to fill, or who are more of a priority for them for who knows what reason, and there has been some evidence to support this on CC, but I honestly don’t know for certain. Schools are opaque about wait lists for a reason.

They typical “golden ticket” off the wait list is delivered via a phone call to a parent and it can happen at any time and it usually occurs with no notice it all. It could happen tomorrow or on August 30th. The sad fact is that for 99% of the kids wait listed, this will not happen so it is wise to plan accordingly.

@bump219 , we are waiting for news for 10th grade. Sent email without response. It seems it is not a good sign either.

On a positive note, got an email from Portsmouth Abby that they have openings. Call if interested!

@chemmchimney , What you said is very reasonable. I guesstimated 99% will be wait listed forever. Only 1% lucky ones.

Issue for many might be whether any financial aid is available, or is PSA just seeking full pay applicants.

@bump219 you got an email from Abbey??? My Daughter is on the wait list there and I have not heard. Can you maybe PM and share the email? She plays hockey and was recruited by the coach but we think listed because of FA reasons.

@Publisher Again- You don’t know that. Yes, many kids are on a WL for FA. It’s also a fact that if schools don’t have the right candidate(s) from their first FA pool, they won’t just award FA simply to award it. It’s always kept in reserve for the right candidate(s). That’s why it’s always a very smart move for any Waitlisted FA family to call other schools ( not on their original list ) and talk to the DOA about a possible app- especially if you need placement .

You never know: Your kid might be the perfect candidate a school has been waiting for!! Make the call.

IMHO- "FA Waitlisted " status at one school is all the more reason to call another .

A year ago I probably would’ve said to wait and let it shakeout but because of the great economy/ banner year for apps at almost all schools- I believe that all BSs have an earlier than normal handle on their Waitlists.

@chemmchimney is right that the call alone shows continued interest- Plus, you never know… the timing of your call together with the reminder of who you are MAY prompt a second look at your app. :wink:

@BugOffA - What is preventing you from calling PA?

@PhotographerMom not sure to be honest. I just called now and left the AO a message and emailed them. we have been waitlisted we think because of the FA we were looking for. She was recruited to come to the school for her hockey etc. but they waitlisted 4 to 5 of the girls I believe because all were seeking FA.