The Wait List

@PhotographerMom sorry miss read your note and thought it said what is preventing you from the PA. missed the calling sorry…I just did …guess you didn’t need to hear the rest of that story. I will keep you posted on if they call back or email me.

@BugOffA , how do I send a PM? New to this forum.

The email does not specifically state that there are openings, but it does say, they wanted to talk about “your daughter, (daughter’s name), and the possibility of her attending the Abbey in the fall.”

This made me think there is space. If there wasn’t, why bother sending the message?

My daughter sent an inquiry from their website last week but has not completed an application.

@bump219 oh ok that makes sense yes. We also did the same with Proctor and sent an inquiry when we knew she as waitlisted. They emailed us right away actually the same day we did it. Might have been the hockey need. We called them and talked due to seeking FA they said they couldn’t since they had used up all their funds. If she had been a FP they would have asked her to come out to see the campus etc. so I know they are looking for FP students for sure.

At the end of the day, I think the best thing to do is to contact the school yourself. There are so many variables that each individual has that it is the only way to get a firm answer.

FWIW- @BugOffA "Recruited " is pretty meaningless at this point because most BS coaches don’t have that kind of power or pull with admissions. If you do get someone on the phone, I’d ask about the WL status and if they still can’t give you a definite answer- I’d ask: If this doesn’t work out for this year- How can we improve the next app if we’d like to apply again next year and let them tell you that it was the FA piece because it may be something else.

My heart goes out to you. Let us know what happens. Fingers crossed!!

@bump219 agreed!!!

If a school goes dark you can use the time to seek other options… or you can continue to wait.

You can’t send a PM until you’ve made 15 posts and become a junior member.

So @BugOffA How is the weather out by you today /:slight_smile: ?

My son is applying to 10th grade. Got email from Groton and Deerfield noticing they hit the target and not moving to waitlist. It seems 10th grader is even harder to get out of waitlist.

When a school has reached their capacity and won’t be pulling from the waitlist will they definitely send an email saying so?

@sadresult: 10th grade, in general, is a harder admit because they simply have fewer open slots. Fewer applicants, to be sure, but nowhere near the number of openings that they have for freshman. Some schools consciously seek to significantly augment their rising sophomore class (I think St. Andrew’s is one such school), but I’m assuming not all schools take this approach.

@SevenDad , I was told the admission rate is roughly same for 10th and 9th, since fewer applicants too for 10th grade. But for waitlist, maybe different. Or it is just I am unlucky.

@sadresult Admission rate is the same for 10th and 9th, however I agree with you about waitlist admissions being a lot harder in 10th grade. I was notified by Deerfiled, Lawrenceville, and Groton that they wouldn’t be going to the waitlist. Has your son gotten in anywhere?

@SportyStudent21 Nope. Did you get any luck?

Has anyone heard if Kent or Williston are pulling from their waitlist?

Hi, I’m a tenth grade applicant too, but I haven’t gotten emails from Andover or Choate about their waitlist and I haven’t seen anything about them on the thread. Not sure if this means anything but just a fyi for anyone looking.

@sadresult - You also have to factor in the JBS crowd when applying for 10th and the Private Day School kids applying for BS 10th. These schools typically only go up to 9th and Secondary Schools have accommodated this pool of applicants first ( out of courtesy and tradition ) for over 100 years…

Almost all are FP but there are many FA kids in that pool, too. SS schools usually don’t take more than three kids from any one school but you never know… some years a highly selective SS may take five or more… it varies.

FWIW- All IV Form spots are considered highly competitive ( for every pool ), but the JBS- PDS pool is particularly fierce. Everyone is in it to win it because ( in many cases ) SS placement has been the ultimate goal since preschool. In other words- families aren’t throwing darts when they’re picking schools to apply to… and I’d say 99% have great outcomes.

We already paid our deposit for Thacher but we are still getting marketing emails from schools that have openings. Just got one from Solebury saying they still have a couple of spots for this coming. Who is going to jump on that first?

@PhotographerMom, who seems to know every BS in the country, can probably comment on Solebury.

@NYCMomof3 knows Solebury.