The Wait List

We committed last year @CaliMex and I just got the same email you did. There’s no discriminating factors at play… :))

Not every BS in the country but close! :wink: Solebury is a wonderful school- definitely check them out! I was just going recommend @NYCMomof3 , too @doschicos but I wanted to check the parent resource thread first to see if she " volunteered " . :slight_smile:

I’ve been scolded before…

Anyone know about Hawaii Preparatory Academy? I know they have rolling admissions and are accepting applicants but any additional info is appreciated!

@bump219 you had me at Hawaii

Questions about Solebury are fine…just PM me

@PhotographerMom , it is really a torture to wait on the waitlist progress. Groton, St. Paul’s, Deerfield all noticed me there is no movement on waitlist. I am not putting too much hope on the rest. Probably say byebye to BS. Congrats to anyone getting out of waitlist here.

I heard that Concord Academy will not use their waitlist at all.

does anyone know which schools haven’t closed their waitlists/pulling students off of it?

Curious as to why this board has gone so quiet … isn’t this usually the week when things start either moving or closing down? Not sure how to interpret the silence… ?

I was wondering the same thing lol. have you heard any news?

we were just notified last night our D will not be accepted off the wait list due to the financial aid we were seeking. :frowning: all funds have been used on others that were accepted at PSA

@BugOffA , I got some different info. It is not saying due to the financial aid, it is just saying they hit the target.

@sadresult our email came directly from the AO himself last night directed to just us and our D he is the AO we have been talking with through the process.

I’m sorry to hear this @BugOffA . I had exchanged a few emails with an AO and she basically told me the same thing. PSA has very little aid left. If anyone has about $50K, they have a chance (as long as academics line up, of course).

@sadresult , also sorry to hear this. Chin up. My daughter was rejected to 3 schools and wait listed at 2. Didn’t hold our breaths and immediately started looking into other options (do a search of “open 2018” on boardingschoolreview). Good luck!

@BugOffA , is there a back up school for your daughter?

@bump219 yes our daughter interviewed and applied to Northwood in lake placid another good school for hockey. We are waiting to hear from them when they return from break on Monday.

@bump219 sorry to hear your daughter was rejected to 3 and waitlisted. thats tough too. I hope you hear good news from Hawaii…if she goes, I hope you go with her…i would :smiley:

I just got an email from Exeter saying that they will not be going to the waitlist. Anybody else?

Fingers crossed for you, @BugOffA !

@Academy123 , we got the same email from Exeter as well stating they “are fully enrolled”. They also said that they do not expect any WL students to be admitted, but applying for 9th grade daughter was told she could stay on the list through the summer.

I think many people would have responded re: what they heard in the last two days but may not want to be “corrected” by some long time member(s) on the board who keep posting their views about the waitlist. As for me, I would be really happy if the “expert(s)” keep their expertise to stating their opinions and refraining from telling others that they should not post unless they got the same news. Please I think the purpose of a board is to share information. As long as it is within reason and adding to the conversation, it should be included. I personally would have added for two school that we heard from this week who were not going to the waitlist at all.

I don’t know if @Happytimes2001 is referring to me, but I would encourage everyone who wants to share information to definitely do that. My point was not to discourage sharing information but just to point out that sometimes the information shared may not apply to every applicant on the wait list. Most of the time it does though…especially if a school says their list is closed or they are not going to their list. I think that’s valuable information that people come to this thread to read and I personally do not want to discourage anyone from sharing it.