The Wait List

Congrats @bump219! My son will be at Pomfret this fall as a freshman. We loved it there! Was a no brainer decision for him and for us. Gorgeous campus, great facilities, close-knit environment. Good synergy between boarders and day students. Really felt like a community, with solid athletics. Great academics without some of the intense pressures.

@WeAre95 , thank you and congrats as well! This is good to hear as daughter was a late applicant and has not stepped foot on the campus. :slight_smile:

@bump219, I can assure you itā€™s tough to find a prettier campus environment. Thatā€™s not a knock on others, as there are a bunch of awesome prep schoolsā€¦just speaks to Pomfretā€™s setting in particular. Feels very safe, even a little isolated, but not far from plenty of diversions. Thereā€™s a brand new health and wellness center that is opening this fall. Iā€™ve seen more opulent athletics facilities, but students arenā€™t really getting shorted in that department. Main classroom building is rather new, and arts facilities in particular are first rate. The friendliness of students across the board ā€“ which you expect during staged events like a revisit day, but weā€™ve encountered on two other visits to campus as well ā€“ is remarkable. Thatā€™s something I havenā€™t seen at every school. Also like that day students are assigned a dorm and are fully immersed with boarders, so thereā€™s no tangible divide in the student community.

So I am waitlisted at Exeter and Middlesex, I donā€™t know what to do. any tips on how to get off and what are my chances.

@prepboy123 Start by going back and reading the replies to this thread. Iā€™m sure a bunch of people have asked the same questions and received some answers :slight_smile:
Good luck!


For those of us still on one or several lists, what were the last communications from the AO and when would there be the next round of enrollment movement, if any?

On or after July 1 when the first tuition payment is due with respect to next round of enrollment movement.

Tomorrow is a big day; another Decision Day. Payments are due Boarding Schools. Fingers crossed, Prays going up. Hopefully, my son will still get in. If he doesnā€™t get in, thereā€™s always Next Year. Never giving up. Boarding school has made my daughterā€™s 2 years at Cornell University, majoring in Econ, so much better. Good luck everyone.

June 1st. Good luck!

Got an email that there are a few spots still available at Putney.

As an amendment to my post #1868 above, the next round of waitlist movement should come when tuition payments are due. For those on a 10 payment plan, the first payment is due June 1ā€“todayā€“rather than the often cited July dates for those paying on regular tuition schedules offered by the schools.

For Choate, the 10 month plan starts mid July.

Will the AO people be around in July, or more precisely after the graduation day in June and before the new school year in August?

to all those still on the wait list our daughter did not give up we didnā€™t either. We did not sit back and wait but instead took our D to, two other great schools (just in March and April) and both accepted her and offered her very substantial financial aid. She will be attending Northwood in the fall and is excited to play hockey for the Huskies.

I am glad to hear the wonderful news. Congrats to your daughter !!!


Received an email from Lawrenceville. Pretty much said that they have selected their students for the coming year. They did ask if our son would like to stay on the WL thru the summer. Of course, I said Yes! Good luck to others.

@Altras : I believe that Hotchkiss Ten Month payment plan starts in June.

Today is the last day for 2018 and the 1st day for 2019.

Wait no more. :)>-

A couple days ago, we got the phone call from our Andover interviewer: my daughter was off the waitlist for 10th grader. The miracle does happens. Hopefully you will be the lucky one as well! Thanks for all help and information from all of you.