The Wait List

@flywithwind, my kids might see your daughter in the fall. Congrats to your daughter !

@mama Paradox thanks a lot! See your kid there. It is very unexpected, now she has to take the placement test and choose courses which she has done with our public school

So happy for you and your child.

Just heard that Wlbraham and Monson still has a few openings for the fall, including 7th and 8th grade. (I did not even realize they took middle school boarders, @buuzn03 , in case you are interested.)

Just wondering
has anyone received waitlist closing emails?

@Totorocinnamon03 I have not yet

Did anyone get a waitlist closing email from Choate? I read on their website that they usually send out that email by the end of June

@flywithwind, make sure you check The Hive website at your daughters school. It has so much information.

Thanks a lot for the tip, I will look into it.

@flywithwind,are you going to A/E football game? Probably our daughters already know each other even though there are in different grades.

Since I probably won’t be here on M10
 it’s never too early to get battle ready, so let’s get all those possible and very unpleasant M10 scenarios out of the way now! Yay!! Ready?

What to do if you get waitlisted at your first choice school :

Here’s the drill :

If you receive a WL decision from your first choice school and an acceptance from another school- the steps are pretty simple:

  1. Accept a place on the WL via email with Delivery and Read Receipts.

  2. Schedule a Revisit Day and put the WL school OUT OF YOUR MIND for now. Go to Revisit Day and have a great time.

You’ll have one month for the WL to shakeout and to make a decision about the other school . If you want to go the distance with the WL school ( WITHOUT jeopardizing the other school ) you’ll have until A9. On A8 have your PARENT call the WL school and ask to speak to the DOA. Tell WL school that you have to act on an acceptance from another school before the deadline but you’d like to check WL status ( one last time ) before you do. If they tell you that they’re NOT going to the WL or they don’t expect much movement- thank them and have them remove your name from the WL.

It’s time to MOVE ON unless you choose to stay on the WL. If WL school miraculously does come through ( after A10 ) you’ll have to break your commitment with the other school and forfeit your deposit (which is NOT a mere bag of shells, by the way ) . Personally, I could never take this route because I’m waaay too frugal and I like closure .

I’m also big on keeping commitments- but that’s just me. So- now we’re one or two days away from the deadline

  1. Now that you’ve given the WL time to play out ( and you can walkaway and never wonder because you’ve seen it through to the end
 ) : Have your parent call the school ( you’ll be attending ) and tell them the deposit check is on it’s way via FedEx.


Now, If you’re handed all Waitlists without any acceptances 
 Here’s basically what you need to know :

Unfortunately, all you can do is remain calm. Out of the gate, I highly recommend that a WL student sends an email to all the school (s) just as I outlined in Step One above. Then the waiting truly begins because the AOs are completely focused on accepted students and Revisit Days until A10.

Yes, a waitlist parent can call an AO M10-A10 to echo what was said in their child’s WL email, or to get a WL status update, but just remember where the AO focus is ( as cruel as that sounds- I’m so sorry! ), and please remember that all interaction between you and the AO truly matters. IMHO- it’s better to remain cool, upbeat and patient at all times . Persistence ( aka stalking ) has worked out well according for some persistent parents
 but it has also backfired miserably on numerous parents , too. Everyone operates differently and I’m not here to tell anyone what to do
 just do what feels best and works well for your family.

If I had to pick two days for a WL parent to call ( after the M10 student email accepting a place on the WL ) , I would pick the day after their last scheduled revisit day ( see school website ) and A11- the day after contracts/ deposits are due
 but that’s just me. I think it’s perfectly fine to call anytime before or on A9, too. Just NOT on A10
 because it’s absolutely nuts in every BS AO office that day.

*** THIS IS IMPORTANT *** Before and after A10, you’ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. You’ll also see discouraging posts saying that your school has closed their WL. Please DISREGARD these posts unless you’ve received the SAME letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO. You may not be receiving the same information for a good reason.

Most schools send out a blanket notification to all families when they officially close their WL
 While some ( forgive me ) will leave you languishing in the desert forever.

FWIW- even though it’s rare, some Waitlist movement can happen before school begins in late August / early September. Movement can also occur in July, too 
 because that’s when the big money is due, but please don’t hang your hat on it. Life intervenes, plans change and spots at BSs do open up, but sadly it’s still very rare to be offered a spot .

The best WL advice that I’ve heard during M10-A10 ( and beyond ) is to keep an open heart, keep doing all the things you love , and keep moving forward . If you need to pause and vent- there are plenty of veterans ( parents and students ) that are here for you
 many who have experienced exactly what you’re going though and could give much better WL advice than I can. So definitely reach out if you need to - even if it’s for a lousy cyber hug.

Also important: You may need a Plan B

If you get completely shutout on M10 and BS enrollment for next fall is an absolute must either because you don’t have a viable school option at home, or your child just really, really, really, really wants to go ( which happens more often than most people think 
 I recommend researching schools with forgiving admission rates and compiling a list with DOA phone numbers attached NOW. Also- maybe look at some single sex schools so you’ll be ready to act quickly ( if you need to ) just before or soon after A10.

Tip: You won’t be alone. I know many families who were unsuccessful with their Hail Mary placement efforts post A10 - mainly because they clung to a stupid Waitlist too long instead of contacting other schools- so don’t delay! Just do it and don’t look back. You never know- the Post A10 Hail Mary school might just be where you were meant to be all along. File it under: Sometimes things happen for a reason. :slight_smile:

Regardless of what your BS dreams are today - families ( who truly want or need BS placement for next year ) should have at least one " Plan B- What If
 WL- Rejection- BS Zombie Apocalypse " conversation prior to M10 . Perhaps take some time to explore and discuss other possible- future BS options/ alternatives together
 just in case the apocalypse comes . I know it’s very unpleasant , and you certainly don’t want to dampen spirits right now, raise your blood pressure, or throw a wet blanket on good vibes leading up to M10, but IMHO, you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a “what if” talk now ( while everything is calm ), and a Plan B ready to go just in case.

Wow- that was really unpleasant and long, but I hope it helps. All the best and good luck M10!! And I’ll definitely have my fingers crossed that you won’t need any of this! :slight_smile:

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I look for this wonderful phrase every year, @PhotographerMom. It’s one of the best and most memorable on CC. Thanks for resurrecting, and thanks for the definitive post which should be a one-comment permanently pinned replacement thread for these 127 pages as there is nothing more to add or say. :slight_smile:

Thanks, @ChoatieMom. I try

Don’t kill me, but I just want to add something to what I said above, and I promise it WILL be very long and exhausting like all my other posts. Seriously - at this point, it feels like I’m leaving my Final Instructions in a Will
 So hang in there with me, if you can!

For FA Families ( and FP families, too ) - I feel the need to pound this a little more because I’ve known families over the years ( both FA and FP ) who did implement a Plan B and were successful.

So- back to PLAN B for a very long-winded second :

Having a Plan B prior to M10 doesn’t only apply to full pay students/ families. If you require ANY amount of aid ( including a full ride ), it would behoove you to have a Plan B in place, too!! FWIW- Many BSs don’t always award all their FA just to award it on M10. Sometimes they’d rather reserve some of it for when the right candidate or candidates come along. Sometimes a post A10- Hail Mary applicant can be “The One” they’ve been looking for all along and boom- that student is accepted post A10 with FA.

Maybe you cold call a BS ( not on your original list ) after A10, and they encourage you to apply because someone that very morning gave up their spot and FA, and there isn’t a viable candidate/ app next in line
 ( not that they would EVER disclose that information to you ), but I’m sure you can see how luck, determination, and timing ( see BS Gods ) can sometimes play a major role with late placement .

Post FA scenarios- especially the "Where have you been all my life - You’re a perfect fit for us " admissions scenario is always considered fairly rare, but it can- and it does happen- sometimes more often than people think! Without getting anyone’s hopes up too much- you just can’t possibly know if this could be your ultimate outcome unless you try- Hence - Plan B!

First, everyone ( FP and FA ) needs a new and improved mindset: Regardless of your stellar mind-blowing stats and Carnegie Hall appearances ( I know
 I know
 ) - I strongly suggest compiling a Plan B list of schools taken from the Top 25-50 - which should include some amazing iconic single sex schools. Heck- they’re all pretty amazing and iconic! But be forewarned- these schools are also the top choice for many discerning top students and their families. Just know that before going in
 they’re quite popular and have a cult like following like Top Ten schools have , too

Just not here on CC for whatever bizarre reason.

If you get unpleasant results on M10 just remember this : YOU chose schools that have the most unforgiving acceptance rates in the universe, but that fact doesn’t make other schools in the Top 25-50 " less than" or somehow beneath you. Make sense? Trust me- you won’t be stooping or gracing schools that fall outside the Top Ten with your presence. If you want to move forward- you will need to change the failed mindset that led you to this very unholy place in the first place, and shop all these other wonderful schools outside the Top Ten with renewed spirit, confidence and ( just say it ) intelligence.

Okay- onward. Now that I got that out of my system one last time 

If you do have an unfortunate outcome M10 and do call around to schools post A10, please do not talk to some random receptionist or AO who picks up the phone. A PARENT should always call and ask to speak directly to the Director of Admissions because only he or she will have the info you need . Simply ask them if they’re open to receive a late application and if they are, get it off to them ASAP and follow up. As I’ve mentioned above- you won’t be the only family doing this. If you’re lucky and they invite you for an interview and tour after they’ve read your late app - MOVE MOUNTAINS and GO!! Like my caps? AOs usually don’t extend invitations for an interview and tour Post A10 to anyone unless they like what they see on an app, so go and seal the deal!


BSs with Rolling Admissions tend to change year to year, but you can find a list of schools on the SSAT website. Last year, there were some top notch schools on the list that I would’ve sent my kids to in a heartbeat. Seriously- I almost fell off my chair when I saw some of the names on the list!! So definitely check it out now and continue to check the list as it gets updated throughout Spring.

Remember- this list changes year to year ( for a myriad of reasons which has NOTHING to do with quality, desirability, or the number of apps they’ve received prior to M10 ) and a school being on the RA list shouldn’t negatively impact anyone’s opinion of the school in any way, shape or form - unless you’re a total snob for whatever reason. Some schools on last year’s list had ( and still have ) a 35% acceptance rate! IDK about you, but I’ve never sneezed at a 35% acceptance rate 
 but I’d still like to meet anyone who does- just so I know what that sounds like
 . :wink:

The Good News: Some amazing BSs also put themselves on Rolling Admissions because they know there are always quality latecomers ( like you! ) who missed the deadline for the last round and they’re encouraging people to apply. They also know that some really great students and their families will get shutout on M10- and there’s absolutely no shame associated with that because it happens all the time. If you see a school or two that you like on the RA list- apply and see what happens!! Even better- if you’re concerned about M10 today , and want to have an edge on other late applicants- call and see if they’ll accept an app now or before or after A9!! What do you have to lose?

More Good News : Whether you go down your own list and cold call schools in the Top 25-50, or take on schools from the SSAT RA List, it is possible to still find placement Post A10 and the school of your new dreams for next year- FA or FP. These schools are in the position to offer ANY student ( FP or FA ) a world class education. It may be more boutique than big box cattle call school, but you will never have to compromise on academic excellence, athletics, campus beauty and college placement. It’s worth a shot.

So- please don’t hesitate to put together a Plan B- especially if you NEED a school for next year. Based on my experience on CC during M10-A10 over waaay too many years , it could arguably be the best use of your time right now leading up to decisions. Do it now while everything is calm, because I can assure you that it won’t be calm later on if you receive all waitlists and rejections.

Well, I think that’s finally it! My work here is done! :slight_smile:

All the best to everyone and good luck on M10 !!

I want to see @PhotographerMom do her hilarious BS advice schtick on Comedy Central, don’t you? Priceless, PMom. :slight_smile:

For some reason, when I saw A10, I kept thinking of August not April :smiley:

@PhotographerMom, all I have been thinking today was “I wish, I knew a psychic!” ;)) After reading your post, that changed to, “will I be like her when I grow up?!” (Read: after going through with this process and beyond)
Great points. Please, may I know of the rest of the holy grail list? 25-50 and the RA schools that are your favorites?(PM, possibly?)

I only read a few recent posts in this thread. If waitlisted, do not remove yourself from the waitlist unless you are certain that you have a better option & do not want to attend the school which waitlisted you.

I’m already ready to dive into this thread

So, do I run every computer in the house checking decisons? Just kidding. Nerve wrecking.

WLs are part of the process. Don’t get put off by them. Just hope for 1 good acceptance. Good Luck all!