The Wait List

Thanks. WL for PA, St Paul’s, Lawrenceville and Hotchkiss last year. THIS…IS…THE…YEAR! Doesn’t stop the jitters.

Good luck!!! @wjeanj2005

did anybody receive an email from Larenceville today explaining how to access your decision ifo on Sat?

A little post M9 advice for all those who get waitlisted:
I applied for private school two years in a row - the first year I got waitlisted at four schools and rejected by two. The waitlist didn’t come through for me so I reapplied to my favorite school, Andover, and applied for another school the next year. M10 comes and goes and I get waitlisted at both. I thought there was no chance for me but I got off the waitlist for Andover at the end of June and I’ve never been any happier :slight_smile:
Point of the story is that getting off the waitlist IS possible and not to give up! If you don’t get in the first year, try again next year. A lot of schools like to act as if it’s really hard to get off the waitlist (aka Andover) but after coming here, I realized that there are a good amount of people that come off the waitlist so there definitely is a chance. I would recommend sending an email or two, letting the school know that you are still interested, that you would not hesitate to say yes if admitted, and to update them on any achievements that have occurred since the admission deadline.
If you have an admitted school waiting for you, please, please follow @PhotographerMom 's fantastic advice.
Good luck everyone and I hope to some of you all on campus in September :slight_smile:

5 waitlists today. Don’t know if I’ll accept any of them, but I am intrigued—how many people come off Andover/Exeter’s WL? Is it generally a very small number?

Yes. Many years it is so small that it is zero. Assume you will not get off a wait list. If you do, great. If not, love the school that loves you back.

If recall correctly - PA, PEA and Choate all had higher yields than expected and were all scrambling to find places for freshmen to live. I believe a very few 10th graders got in off the waitlists, but few to no freshmen did.

Not sure of the exact number but I heard that from Andover around 30 for 9th grade and 10 for 10th grade…but these are just rumors so I wouldn’t take my word for it. Good luck @CavsFan2003 !

Congratulations. Our son, 7 WL, 6 No, 4 schools tomorrow and 1 on April 1st, 2 Yes and excited. PHILLIPS ACADEMY ANDOVER YES!!! Sorry if I’m excited. DD was Class of '16. Good luck all.

Alright! I was thinking of staying on PA’s waitlist just to see if I’d get in but since I’m planning on matriculating to Choate I don’t think it’s worth it.

TBH, nobody should stay on a waitlist simply “to see if I’d get in.” You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment and wasting everyone’s time.Now if a school was your absolute top choice, certainly accept a spot on a WL, while knowing that chances are slim. But having a sure thing like Choate, which is a great school, is a situation many will envy.

Also, note that getting off an admissions WL does not mean that the FA will accompany it. It may or it may not. But when there’s a great option that is offering great FA, go for it. Again, love the school that loves you back.

so far the statistics held up well: 25~30% rejection, 50~60% waitlist, 25%~10% admission.

wish all could do better than the statistics. Wish those did better would release the extra spot(s) sooner.

In addition, consider your FA needs when making WL decisions. Getting off a WL doesn’t mean getting all the FA you will need. If you have schools that have offered you full scholarship or FA, take that and count your blessings! Love the school that loves you!

And if you’re lucky to have a choice between a FA package and a named scholarship, go with the latter so you don’t have to reapply for FA every year. Also make sure to read really carefully what’s included in each offer, to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. Consider all other expenses beyond tuition that can add up quickly (fees, books, laptop, travel to/from school for breaks, school trips like service/enrichment trips, study abroad, music lessons, laundry, etc).

My son applied to SPS as a repeat sophmore. He was waitlisted. What is the chances for admission preferably for SPS? Advice on what we should do.

I’m sorry, @prepschool172882 - Unfortunately, it’s grim but it’s grim everywhere. WL advice is the same across the board and it can be found on the previous page- posts #1891 and #1893. Hope it helps- and good luck!!

Schools with high yields have very little waitlist movement… Express interest, but don’t put your life on hold…

Sorry to bother you guys but I was recently admitted to Hun school but waitlisted for financial aid. Are the chances of getting off this WL just as bad as being completely WLed?

You just never know, @mxnair . That’s why ( in many ways ) Waitlists - with or without the FA piece tend to be even more brutal than flat-out rejections. Hang in there and keep us posted. We’ll definitely keep our fingers crossed for you!

I’m in a pickle. Although I know it’s tough to get off the waiting list, if I get off the waiting list for Andover but another school needs enrollment by March, what can I do? Is it okay to leave a school if I get off the waiting list, say, in June? Can I just “quit” the local school?