The Wait List

@flamestorm Honestly, accept the enrollment first. Waitlist movement is rare, especially in March or April, so play it safe. In a waitlist with a couple of hundred kids, at most 10 will get taken off - that was how many kids reportedly got off the waitlist for 10th grade this year (I heard this from a friend who heard it from an admission officer so I’d say it’s pretty accurate). Also, keep in mind that it’s easier to get off for 10th grade because some returning students will decide to drop out - because of this, numbers are likely to be lower for the 9th-grade waitlist. For me, I got off the waitlist for Andover at the end of June and managed to transfer pretty seamlessly from my local public school. Rules might be different for private schools, especially since there is a deposit involved.

For everyone involved in the chat - if you’re seeking advice about what to do when you’re waitlisted or what waitlist stats are for schools, please refer to previous pages in the chat. Most of the things said tend to be pretty repetitive because a lot of people ask similar questions, so if you look a page or two before you’ll find answers to whatever you’re looking for. To echo @PhotographerMom’s words “Unfortunately, it’s grim but it’s grim everywhere. WL advice is the same across the board and it can be found on the previous page- posts #1891 and #1893. Hope it helps- and good luck!!”
If anyone has any questions specific to Andover, 10th-grade admissions, waitlist with no acceptances, thinking about reapplying or just don’t want to message in the chat - feel free to PM me. Thanks to everyone for keeping this an informative and supportive space!

@alyang hello! i havent really ever used this account before so i dont have the feature to PM you but i’m exactly what you’re asking for haha (Andover WL, 10th grade, only applied to Andover). is it ok if i ask you exactly what you did and did not do after being placed on the WL? also, how many people do you think were accepted from the WL last year? thank you so much!

@alyang also, how many do you think got accepted off the WL with FA/significant FA?

Oh boy I hope that Choate has lower-ish yields this year. Waitlisted at all 5 schools I applied to. Choate’s my top pick, but I could see myself enjoying Exeter and Andover. I’m still on the fence about Taft and St. Paul’s but my parent already put me back on waitlist confirmations for all of them. What is the best thing to do that can help sway my application towards acceptance (assuming they will have space open) on A10?

For everyone looking at this chat…you probably wouldn’t be if you were t WLd. If you got accepted to a school…look away, take that acceptance and don’t ever look back. If you did not…it is time to go with the Plan B @PhotographerMom has stressed time and time again until she collapsed with frustration. Go back on this thread and look it up. Her advice is spot on and invaluable. The WL “chance me” questions are futile.
We were in the same boat and had the same emotions. It took while to accept the kick in the pants and let go of the sinking ship called the Wait List and grab on to the smaller life raft right in front of us. The sooner you let go, the better you’ll be. Hugs to all, because it is hard…now put your game face on and work to make the best of the situation just like @PhotographerMom completely laid out for you in detail a few pages back.

I know the odd is against the folks on the waitlisted. But does anyone know if there is a site/group talking about successful stories - wanted to see what they were able to do and to assist the most resilient ones.

There’s always the option of applying again next year! I was waitlisted by Andover the first year I applied in 8th grade, but I decided to apply again during my freshman year. Luckily, I got good news and now I’m a new lower (10th grade) here at Andover. If you want any advice as to reapplying feel free to reply or PM me!

@Heading2HS There is no magic formula for getting off a waitlist. I would encourage you to heed @PhotographerMom’s advice.

Look, I’m going to be harsh because it seems no one is reading the advice on previous pages. Every single one of the questions asked in these past few hours has been answered patiently and in detail on older pages and is still current information. @PhotographerMom has laid it all out for you.

There is zero you can do to get off a WL other than remain on it and wait for Godot.

And while you’re waiting, see my earlier comments here (so I don’t have to re-type them):


Full disclosure- my kids have never experienced a WL, but I’ve been around enough people who have, and I understand that a WL can ( in many ways ) be more cruel than a flat out rejection. My heart goes out to all the WL kids and their families.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a BS WL manual for what to do, so I’ve tried to piece together everything that I’ve gathered in my head over many, many years … as a BS alum, BS parent, former BS Trustee, and as an alum who does BS interviews in her free time.

Oh, and I play golf with probably one of the most sought after BS consultants on the East Coast and we occasionally talk shop. I also gained ten pounds from being on CC for 6 years- does that count? Probably not , but that’s the resumé on which you may or may not wish to depend on.

First up: WL pep talk: Reject living your life in limbo and take your power back. It’s their loss so move on.

I thought that went well.

Okay - one more time and for ease - I’ll repost the WL advice for newcomers. It pretty much covers all the various WL scenarios and everything you can expect or do right now. Warning: It’s very long so grab some trail mix and an energy drink. Ready?

Here’s the drill :

If you receive a WL decision from your first choice school and an acceptance from another school- the steps are pretty simple:

  1. Accept a place on the WL via email with Delivery and Read Receipts.

  2. Schedule a Revisit Day and put the WL school OUT OF YOUR MIND for now. Go to Revisit Day and have a great time.

You’ll have one month for the WL to shakeout and to make a decision about the other school . If you want to go the distance with the WL school ( WITHOUT jeopardizing the other school ) you’ll have until A9. On A8 have your PARENT call the WL school and ask to speak to the DOA. Tell WL school that you have to act on an acceptance from another school before the deadline but you’d like to check WL status ( one last time ) before you do. If they tell you that they’re NOT going to the WL or they don’t expect much movement- thank them and have them remove your name from the WL.

It’s time to MOVE ON unless you choose to stay on the WL. If WL school miraculously does come through ( after A10 ) you’ll have to break your commitment with the other school and forfeit your deposit (which is NOT a mere bag of shells, by the way ) . Personally, I could never take this route because I’m waaay too frugal and I like closure .

I’m also big on keeping commitments- but that’s just me. So- now we’re one or two days away from the deadline…

  1. Now that you’ve given the WL time to play out ( and you can walkaway and never wonder because you’ve seen it through to the end… ) : Have your parent call the school ( you’ll be attending ) and tell them the deposit check is on it’s way via FedEx.



Here’s basically what you need to know :

Unfortunately, all you can do is remain calm. Out of the gate, I highly recommend that a WL student sends an email to all the school (s) just as I outlined in Step One above. Then the waiting truly begins because the AOs are completely focused on accepted students and Revisit Days until A10.

Yes, a waitlist parent can call an AO M10-A10 to echo what was said in their child’s WL email, or to get a WL status update, but just remember where the AO focus is ( as cruel as that sounds- I’m so sorry! ), and please remember that all interaction between you and the AO truly matters. IMHO- it’s better to remain cool, upbeat and patient at all times . Persistence ( aka stalking ) has worked out well according for some persistent parents… but it has also backfired miserably on numerous parents , too. Everyone operates differently and I’m not here to tell anyone what to do… just do what feels best and works well for your family.

If I had to pick two days for a WL parent to call ( after the M10 student email accepting a place on the WL ) , I would pick the day after their last scheduled revisit day ( see school website ) and A11- the day after contracts/ deposits are due… but that’s just me. I think it’s perfectly fine to call anytime before or on A9, too. Just NOT on A10… because it’s absolutely nuts in every BS AO office that day.

*** THIS IS IMPORTANT *** Before and after A10, you’ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. You’ll also see discouraging posts saying that your school has closed their WL. Please DISREGARD these posts unless you’ve received the SAME letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO. You may not be receiving the same information for a good reason.

Most schools send out a blanket notification to all families when they officially close their WL… While some ( forgive me ) will leave you languishing in the desert forever.

FWIW- even though it’s rare, some Waitlist movement can happen before school begins in late August / early September. Movement can also occur in July, too … because that’s when the big money is due, but please don’t hang your hat on it. Life intervenes, plans change and spots at BSs do open up, but sadly it’s still very rare to be offered a spot .

The best WL advice that I’ve heard during M10-A10 ( and beyond ) is to keep an open heart, keep doing all the things you love , and keep moving forward . If you need to pause and vent- there are plenty of veterans ( parents and students ) that are here for you… many who have experienced exactly what you’re going though and could give much better WL advice than I can. So definitely reach out if you need to - even if it’s for a lousy cyber hug.

Also important: You may need a PLAN B. …

If you get completely shutout on M10 and BS enrollment for next fall is an absolute must either because you don’t have a viable school option at home, or your child just really, really, really, really wants to go ( which happens more often than most people think … ) … I recommend researching schools with forgiving admission rates and compiling a list with DOA phone numbers attached NOW. Also- maybe look at some single sex schools so you’ll be ready to act quickly ( if you need to ) just before or soon after A10.

Tip: You won’t be alone. I know many families who were unsuccessful with their Hail Mary placement efforts post A10 - mainly because they clung to a stupid Waitlist too long instead of contacting other schools- so don’t delay! Just do it and don’t look back. You never know- the Post A10 Hail Mary school might just be where you were meant to be all along. File it under: Sometimes things happen for a reason.

That’s pretty much it.

There is another post that followed this one that went on ( and on… and on ) about Plan B ( FP and FA ), and talked about schools w/ Rolling Admissions, etc. If you have the stomach for it - it’s on page 127 - Post #1893. I posted it before M10 because I was trying to rough everyone up before the waitlists arrived. So much for that idea! :wink:

So- are we good?

I sincerely hope this helps - and my fingers will remain crossed for everyone!! All the best and good luck!! :slight_smile:

I was waitlisted at Phillips Exeter, as a 10th grader. Do I have any hope?

You gotta love it. My work here is done. :wink:

I’m waitlisted at 5 top schools as an applicant for 9th grade girls boarding. However, I didn’t get any acceptances. Do I have a chance at just one of those five?

@PhotographerMom you have the soul of a saint!

As I’m sure all your waitlist decisions have said, it is impossible for anyone, even the AOs to say what the chances are of you getting off the waitlist. Not only does the size and yield (percent of admitted students who enroll) of the school matter, but there are also many other factors that go into it. How large is the waitlist? Does the school need to fill 10th grade boy spots or 9th grade girl spots? Did they overestimate their yield? Did they underestimate their yield? These are just a few of the MANY different variables that go into deciding if there will be any waitlist movement.

I honestly suggest reaching out to @PhotographerMom or looking at some of her posts (namely on the waitlist thread) to see what your next steps should be. If you are dead set on attending prep school there are many incredible schools with rolling admissions that are still accepting applications. I honestly urge you to look into these options.

The best advice I can give is that you shouldn’t hold your breath hoping you will be accepted off a waitlist. Look at some other options and if you get accepted it will be a unexpected positive surprise.

I think I was waitlisted mainly because of applying for FA. Will it help at all if I withdraw? Or will it not make a difference? Is there anything other than calling/emailing/sending in new achievements that can help my chances and get me in?

What schools did you get waitlisted at?

@PhotographerMom Thanks so much for the invaluable advice! It really means a lot at such a difficult time. I can’t PM yet as a new member, but do have a couple of quick questions (re: golf friend). Can you please PM me first?