<p>I wanted to see, out of the people who were waitlisted, how many are staying on the list/choosing not to, and what schools you all applied to. I applied to the College and basically just want to know if I have any prayer of getting in haha. Thanks for your replies!</p>
<p>I applied to the College, too. I was actually surprised that I got waitlisted (I expected rejection). </p>
Cal State Long Beach
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
UCI (Honors Program)
UCLA (Honors Program)
USC (Thematic Option Honors Program and possibly Freshman Science Honors)</p>
Georgetown College (definitely going to be on watlist)
Johns Hopkins (definitely NOT going to be on waitlist-I don't know why I applied, I hate how cutthroat the students are)
Claremont McKenna College (might put myself on waitlist)</p>
Stanford (deferred-->rejected, 1st choice- scr*w Stanford, my update form was a book, deferral was a false hope)
Princeton (woopdi-freakin-do, second choice)</p>
<p>Yup, waitlisted - fun as ever. I applied to SFS and will definitely stay on the waitlist (mailed in card today) although any chance of getting off is slim to none. So, unless Georgetown so graciously offers me a spot in SFS (highly doubtful) with good financial aid (even more doubtful), I'll happily be attending Johns Hopkins.</p>
<p>hmmm, they "say" that there's no line, but I'm beginning to wonder... hopefully the <em>(1)</em> means something! (though I doubt it does) and does anyone know how many are on the waitlist for the College?</p>
<p>hey SeanmcG: I got waitlisted at Georgetown College, and I'll probably be going to USC, too! did you apply for the Thematic Option program there?</p>
<p>Well, page47 that's what I'm concerned about too. Assuming that we DO get off the waitlist (which is nearly impossible in itself), I think financial aid would be the next almost impossible obstacle since Georgetown has to distribute financial aid to ALL the other applicants who got accepted first then we get whatever they can give us.. which probably isnt much. :(</p>
<p>waitlisted... well.. Georgetown is really my #1 school, but if I don't get in,
I'll have to choose to go to Mcgill or Queens which offered me full scholarship. </p>