The Wartsy Club

<p>Alright, so I'm creating a wartsy club (wartsandall).</p>

<p>We need someone from every state (or country but I don't think thats happening lol)</p>

<p>I'll represent Canada. (Ontario is you want to use provinces/territories)</p>

<p>Come on guys, we need to make Wartsy proud! Hahaha.</p>

<p>Oh wow. Lol. I can represent Washington State. I’m not too informed with Texas yet. :D</p>

<p>LiverpoolFC-YNWA = Canada
just4ivaylo = Washington state</p>

<p>Aww! This is my favorite thread:)

<p>I’ll represent New York.</p>

<p>I’m torn between NJ (home state) and VA lol</p>

<p>I’ll just go with Virginia. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people from NJ here -</p>

<p>India. :slight_smile: Another country!</p>

<p>i call floridaa. :]]</p>

<p>^She means phlorida :]</p>

<p>Yay xxrunningonempty allows me to rep NJ!</p>

<p>NewYork ;] even though someone called it already</p>

<p>The freshest country in the entire world…SRI LANKA 4eva!!!</p>

<p>And I’ll get Pennsylvania while we’re at it.</p>

<p>I guess I’m third in line for New York.</p>

<p>NC is in da house!!! Wow, Wartsandall, we posted a lot together this summer, but somehow you managed to keep posting a LOT. Haha, I spend 10 minutes max on CC now :frowning: </p>

<p>Congrats on being a HSL legend Wartsandall :)</p>

<p>^Good for you:) I wish I had that ability. Haha, I don’t think I’m a legend seeing as how I’ve only been on here for a few months. Omgoodness, imagine how many posts I will have in a year!(scary thought lol)</p>

<p>I’ll rep Arizona even though I’m not on here all that much.</p>

<p>(Compared to some of you guys anyway :D)</p>

<p>Okay I already saw NY…but I want to rep THE city…BX!!</p>

<p>LOL (I know its a borough)</p>

<p>I did not know 3 ppl already called for NY!!</p>

<p>I did not know 3 ppl already called for NY!!</p>