The way wisco does it...

<p>do test scores, ec's, a compelling personal statement, and minority status help an avg gpa? if so, by how much?</p>

<p>(like 3.4 avg)</p>

<p>yes...if you find a way to stand out than you have a great shot...your gpa is not too low for wisc as long as you took a rather tough courseload</p>

<p>really? so a 3.4 with hard courses is actually not as bad as some think?</p>

<p>Check the Freshman Admissions Expectations chart- with a 3.4 unweighted gpa your chances are 50% with an ACT of 26-27, 55% for 28-29 and 70% for 30-36. Improving grades will help and the other factors above will also. Concentrate on learning as much as you can to prepare yourself for the college courses and get the best grades you can this spring and next semester to show you can handle the work at UW.</p>

<p>thanks wis75 and viper. for those of you with extensive Wisco admissions knowledge, does UW add in anything extra for college courses taken at comm. colleges or other universities?</p>

<p>They will most likely transfer the credits making it possible to graduate earlier.</p>

<p>but they don't do anything to the GPA like the way the UC's do it then</p>

<p>Well I know at my high school College Classes are considered an honors class so an A is worth around a 4.3. So thats the only way I think it helps you if your school wieghts your GPA like that.</p>

<p>They look at unweighted GPA but weighted rank, I was told. A little odd, I thought, but I guess it's one way they give you some points for the harder classes.</p>

<p>Definitely unweighted gpa- but they do consider the difficulty of your coursework and the courses available to you. Unweighted grades level the gpa playing field. Schools all can weigh/not weigh things differently and you would be expected to take the toughest courses your HS has. There are people who do get A's in the AP/college courses, if you didn't it does tell something about you relative to those around you. It is nice to get extra points to determine your rank within your HS, but for college admissions they don't discriminate against those whose HS doesn't weigh gpa's or doesn't offer AP classes. Grades are a measure not only of what you know/have learned, but of your ability/willingness to do the work required to meet standards. A lower gpa may show you will have trouble keeping up with the work in college, no school wants to admit you to fail. Test scores may reveal innate abilities but your grades show how you use that ability.</p>

<p>well on the wisco app it has a line for your gpa and two check boxes 1) for UW or 2) for wieghted. It seems you decide which you want to send</p>

<p>No, I don't think so, boomer -- if you send UW, they will re-calculate it.</p>

<p>That may be the case. I'm just stating that I printed off one of their applications and you can send which ever GPA you want to. Im not doubting that they will recalculate though.</p>

<p>Of course each school will calculate the gpa, choosing the classes it considers academic and ignoring some such as phy ed.</p>