The Woes of a Cal Transfer Applicant

<p>Hello! I am supremely confused about many aspects of my transfer, but I'm willing to bet that you kind folks here will be able to straighten a few things out.</p>

<p>I am currently a first-year student at Duke, and want to transfer to Cal as an incoming junior, as you might suspect. No, there isn't anything wrong with Duke. I don't want to discourage anyone from applying here. If you'd like to know why I'm transferring, I'd be happy to explain later, but I don't want to make this message longer than it already will be. </p>

<p>I believe I have enough AP credit to add with my first year of Duke classes, but I can't help but worry until someone verifies this. I passed 15 AP tests--but when I say I passed, I mean just barely passed. I did very little work in high school, and have ten 3s. :) I also have six silly transferable units from LACC. But...I have no idea how much "credit" I'll get from my Duke classes. The credit system at Duke is very...erm...unique, and every class is worth only one unit or less. I called Cal to ask if I should try to convert the units, and was told not to--but I can't imagine what the admissions officers will think when they see that I only took five units in my first semester (which is over the limit, by the way--I had to get special permission to take that many units!). Am I in the clear, credit-wise, or not even close?</p>

<p>I'm also wondering if I should bother applying to Haas, or go for some other school to which I'll have a better chance of getting in. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>In short, I am just very worried about my applicant situation. I mean, I practically have no GPA of which to speak right now! I was accepted to Berkeley (L&S) last year, but I don't know if pointing that out in my application will do any good when I don't have my high school feats on which to fall back. Should I devote my application essays to qualifying my situation? Should I try to get in contact with an admissions person who'll get to know me and look upon me fondly when he sees my application (if there is a way to get in contact with such a person, let me know!)? Do I have any chance of getting in?</p>

<p>I'll appreciate all responses! Thank you.</p>