Theater Arts/Information Systems - Major or Minor?

<p>I was originally going to double major in Theater Arts and Information Systems but due to the small amount of community college credits I have, I don't think I can do that and graduate in 4 years. Now I'm trying to decide which major I should minor in. I want to major in Theater because that is my true passion. I'm constantly in rehearsal for at least one show I love spending my time doing that. I love technology, too. But not as much as theater. My problem is that I don't think majoring in theater will help me have a job when I graduate college. I want to major in Theater and minor in Information Systems or Computer Science, but I feel conflicted. I want to be an actress or have some career in that related field more than I want to be a systems analyst. What should I do?</p>

<p>If you read lots of threads on this Forum, you will see that you “can” get jobs in theatre with a major, a minor, a BA, a BFA, a training certificate (like AMDA) or even no college study of theatre. Going to college for theatre is great, fun, exciting and valuable, but it doesn’t have any guarantees one way or another. It is a personal choice and often just a “go with your heart” decision.</p>

<p>I think you should check about CS or Info Systems. I think jobs in those areas do have some minimum expectations of what you have studied or how you are trained. That may make a difference. </p>

<p>But life is never over - whichever one you major in, you can always study more of it afterwards. That’s just a question of money or other individual concerns.</p>

<p>What you should look at as well as the ability to double major, minor, and/or career expectations, is also the specifics of the majors/minors themselves. Look at the balance of classes, how much performance/production experience you can have (both formally and in student shows), and think in detail about how life in college might be for you, either way. </p>

<p>It never hurts to have some kind of working credential when you are done with college - whether it is in the arts, technology, education, etc., but lots and lots of majors won’t actually “help” you have a job. I know that’s not an answer anyone wants to hear, but it’s true. People can argue that theatre gives as much or more “job” training, in Acting but especially in tech, than the majority of majors (English, Philosophy, even Math or sciences). This too is very subjective.</p>

<p>Are you a junior, or are you in the application process right now? Let us know what you are thinking and if you have any more questions. This is a hard process and a hard decision, and it can help to hear how things have gone for other people. Good luck!</p>