Theater Program at Colorado College

<p>My daughter was just accepted at CC. She's interested in majoring in Theater, with an emphasis on acting. Can anyone provide input on the quality of the Theater program at CC? In particular, I'm curious how it works with the Block Program. Do theater students just spend one or two Blocks per year on theater classes and not participate in theater at all the rest of the year? Thanks for any information anyone can provide.</p>

<p>I’m not a theater major, but I’ve been to a few productions. There are usually lots of productions every year, some bigger than others (last year, Macbeth, Alice in Wonderland, and Angels in America were the biggest productions). Theater majors can of course get involved in these shows, but there are also plenty of theater classes (a friend of mine took a popular acting class, another took playwriting, another took a course that focused on playwrights of color, I signed up for Renaissance theater but didn’t end up taking it). Block 8, there is a popular class that goes to London and sees a play practically every day. If your daughter is interested in comedy, there is also an improv troupe and a sketch comedy club</p>