Theater Tech DP program acceptance

Our D is applying to for design/tech production with several schools this year. BU and CCM are top of her list. My husband and I both have BFA/MFA’s but we did this so long ago I realize a lot has changed.

She did theatre stage crew since middle school. in HS she took a stage production class. This summer she went to Carnegie Mellon’s Pre-College Drama program. She is in a building trades class (construction, electrical, plumbing, etc) and is in IB and AP classes. Currenting has an IB higher level physics class. However, she didn’t take art classes in high school. She has always made things and drew, but not through a curriculum at school. We like to say she was home-schooled in art.

Will the lack of art classes negatively impact her application. She does have a portfolio - mostly drawings and some 3D items, plus a few good lighting examples from the pre-college program. As a visual and creative people, her father and I think the portfolio is average, not rock star. It shows potential.

Her High School is underfunded and the resources to explore on her own are not possible, nor is designing sets for the HS plays. She has taken advantage of every opportunity the school can offer, but she can’t compete with art high schools or well funded public schools that have black box theatres and lighting studios.

thoughts or experiences welcome. Thanks, !

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Have you looked at University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Their design and production department is very well regarded.

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If the portfolio will add to the application include it. Otherwise use the “other information” section to explain why she didn’t take art in school and what she did at home that was art-related.

Many tech programs state that they recognize students come from high schools that offer a wide variety of opportunities in theatre design/tech/production, from basically nonexistent to stellar. They are looking for interest, passion, and the student’s ability to discuss their creative process. If the portfolio elements, whether theatre-related or not, convey these and help facilitate the student’s discussion, they are more than enough.

Is she interested in lighting specifically? My D is in a BFA Lighting Design program, and I’m happy to connect if you have any questions!