Theatre MFA but unrelated major and no experience

I’m currently an undergraduate student at a mediocre British university in the Middle East. I’m halfway through my degree and realized I made a big mistake and hate my university and major. It would be too costly to transfer, and I’m almost done anyway.

I took theatre and film in high school. In my city there were no opportunities to major in theatre, and film was not an option for me (Indian parents). I have my heart and mind set on applying to Tisch’s Design for Stage and Film because I realized that’s what I really want to do. Out of all the programs offered at the school, this one, which is at a graduate level appeals to me the most.

I have made my portfolio for the concentration I want to apply for, done a lot of research, read up on my design knowledge and think I have a chance with my portfolio.

But here’s the problem.

The theatre culture and opportunities to volunteer or intern are little to none. Almost non-existent. The only thing the drama club does at my uni is RARELY attend a show. I tried creating a club but nobody entered. The last time I did any theatre or film related anything was in high school. Also I majored in business.

Should I even bother applying? How much would my application be hindered from my lack of professional and non-professional experience?

@LolaBunny123 - I know a little about grad programs in tech theatre only because my D was an tech theatre undergraduate who knew the grad students in her program well. Those grad students had theatre resumes as long as your arm before they entered grad school and her school is less well-known for theatre than NYU. If your dream is to work in tech theatre, start prioritzing getting work and training in the field. If you want to finish your business degree then transfer to another Uni with better theatre opportunities. Even a year of working in college or professional theatre will give you a better portfolio than one only showing work from high school.