Thematic Option

<p>Can someone explain the thematic option.</p>

<p>How does one get into it? Does it require an application or is it just by choice?</p>

<p>How much heavier is the workload?</p>

<p>What are the pros and cons?</p>

<p>Will it help much for employment post graduation?</p>

<p>Is it realistic to attempt for a dual major?</p>

<p>Thanks guys.</p>

<p>you have to apply to get in, though most people who get in are scholarship recipients (though not all)</p>

<p>I've heard the workload is a lot heavier - much more reading and writing, and at a more advanced level.</p>

<p>Pros: some of the best professors in the university, more interesting and intellectual classes with some of the smartest people at SC, smaller classes, and, or so I've heard, a much much easier grading curve (loads of A's and B's)
Cons: much more work, and fewer classes to choose from. Plus less classes offered means more scheduling conflicts, etc.</p>

<p>I don't know about employment, but supposedly it's good if you want to go to grad school in liberal arts or such.</p>

<p>it's precisely the same number of courses as you would usually take, so there's no difference there. Though it may make it a lot of work if you're already taking a heavy load of classes.</p>

<p>I'm not in TO, though, so maybe someone in it can chime in.</p>

<p>jbusc, you say TO's good for ppl who want to go to grad school in liberal arts; how about for the sciences? like medical school? do you know if it makes a difference? i'm kind of keen on the nicer grading curve... :&lt;/p>

<p>im going to be a pre-med and im going to do TO!</p>

<p>There are lots of pre-med kids in TO.</p>

<p>The dinner host I had at Explore told me realistically that it's hard, esp. first semester, but she absolutely loves it. She's a sophomore now, and still in it. There are really only 4 categories of classes to choose from, and the requirement is minimal, I believe. My host is also a double major with a minor, so it is definitely do able!
I intend to do that as well, though I plan on double majoring in broadcast journalism and business administration with a minor in theater... I don't know how rigorous the double in business admin. will be but I'm definitely going to attempt to take it all on before I shut out the possibilities.</p>