Theme Housing?

<p>I'm going to be going to Tech in the Fall, honors engineering. I've decided I won't want to do honors housing, but I'm looking into both RLC and Galileo. Opinions? Are the classes and stuff you do for them a lot of work/actually worth anything?</p>

<p>Residential Leadership Community
Residential Leadership Community
Residential Leadership Community
Residential Leadership Community</p>









<p>If it’s still unclear I suggest you do the RLC. :slight_smile: You’ll get to live in the (much) better dorms at the cost of a one credit class in which you’ll be required to put forth almost no effort.</p>

<p>Galileo isn’t bad, but you won’t get to live in the nice dorms. If you don’t get RLC Galileo is nice because you’ll be around all engineers, and since all the freshman classes are the same you all can help eachother. Of course, no matter what dorm you’re in you’ll probably have several engineers around you, Galileo just means you’ll have more.</p>

<p>Bump for the rlc. If you want more info on galileo, send me a PM. I live there but do not wish to publicly voice my opinion. </p>

<p>¤disclaimer¤ I am not outright discouraging people from Galileo. Anyone else who wants more info feel free to PM me any time</p>

<p>So is that one credit class for RLC much work? Basically I think it would be cool, but I don’t want to be spending a bunch of time on it I would rather be spending on my Engineering work.</p>

<p>Oh and has it changed? From the VT website:</p>

<p>“Students in the RLC are required to take two three-credit courses, one in the fall and another in the spring. These courses offer an introduction to the basic principles of leadership theory and application.”</p>

<p>Sounds like work… or am I just paranoid?</p>

<p>[Student</a> Programs - Virginia Tech - Theme Housing](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>It looks like they may have changed it. The courses are still pathetically easy–you’re basically guaranteed an A for showing up–but it’s up to you to decide if the nice air-conditioned, carpeted, suites are worth an extra GPA-boosting class each semester.</p>

<p>(the answer is yes)</p>