<li>I love the outdoors,</li>
<li>I hunt,</li>
<li>I am a Republican reformer,</li>
<li>I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,</li>
<li>I have many children,</li>
<li>I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor’s office.</li>
<p>Theodore Roosevelt had an environmental and conservation-minded ethic. He believed in setting aside parts of America to be left untouched by the human hand. He signed the Antiquities Act, one of the most important pieces of conservation legislation ever made into law.</p>
<p>Seriously man Palin is no reformer she hired a lobbyist! for her city, was for a 200 million $ plus pork project, is no Genius (watch the CBS interview) and she has no regard for the environment, she's said carribuo like oil pipes in their habitat because it is warm and is for aerial hunting</p>
<p>It's pugfug Hannity. I think it is for real.</p>
<p>If you study the life of Roosevelt, you will find she and he have nothing at all but the most cursory commonalities. </p>
<p>Anyway, the parties changed places. The Republicans were the progressive party back then through such acts as eliminating slavery (what the party was created to do) and establishing a conservation ethic in a highly industrialized nation.</p>
<p>It was a joke, some people don't get that. She hasn't proven her greatness, yet, but she's on her way, and the parallels certainly don't hamper that image.</p>
<p>Liberals go gaga proclaiming Obama as the next Lincoln, JFK, or whatever. Really???</p>
<p>It's not that hard, you have to use something called common sense and reality (not inherent in that hopey dopey liberal change ticket combined with an empty stammering suit and a foreign relations expert that voted for the war, didn't mean to go to war, wanted a tripartite plan that Patraeus hated, hated the surge, etc.)</p>
t's usually hard to tell whether pugfug is intentionally making a joke argument or not.
<p>I just assume he is trolling this entire election period and then he will explain after how it was all a joke and that this forum just needed a conservative for a combination of comic relief and light hearted debate.</p>
<p>This may be true, but there are some pretty big differences between them as well. Mainly that Roosevelt was fairly competent and Palin isn't fit to manage a Dairy Queen.</p>