<p>Does anyone know of specific requirements, i.e., pre-prequisites required for transfer to Georgetown College as a junior (philosophy major)? Anything theology related? </p>
<p>(sorry if there's an obvious answer on the website that for some reason I'm not seeing)</p>
<p>Probably not. You could probably get the Theology requirements out of the way once you've enrolled. 2 THEO courses are required of all Georgetown students, and I know several people who've transferred into Georgetown without having taken courses in that particular subject matter. (None in the College, unfortunately, but I'm sure it's no different.)</p>
<p>Everyone (including transfers) has to take either Problem of God or Biblical Literature, and one other upper-level Theology class, as part of the College's gen ed requirements. You could probably get transfer credit for the upper-level theology, but they want everyone to take Problem of God/BibLit at Georgetown.</p>
<p>So coming in as a transfer, you don't need to have these requirements done already, since you can just take them here.</p>