Theory of Knowledge Presentation

<p>I am not sure how it goes in most schools, but at my school, TOK is done second semester of junior year and 1st semester of senior year.
Over the summer, we have to select our prompt in which we base our presentations on. I really like language, the human sciences (specifically looking into international affairs and cultural tradition) and ethics. I have a few prompt ideas in my mind, but I would really appreciate some advice...
1. To what extend can the consumption of domestic animals be considered unethical? This question looks into the issues behind many nations whose traditional meats are considered as pets to others (Ex- rabbits in France, dogs in Korea, Burma and Mexico) and how many countries are banning the consumption of these traditional foods to please those of other countries.
2. In this time era, with events in our past, can it be considered ethical to still award race specific scholarships. Pretty much in this prompt, I would address the double standard laced behind the many African American scholarships looking at the pride at their progress in the United States, ignoring the pride that Caucasian Americans may have in that or their race. I would also describe a scenario where an organization offers a White Pride scholarship, only allowing whites to apply. This prompt would be very controversial, but fun to present. Theres more to it than my description allows, if anyone feels insulted by this, please message me and ill explain myself more</p>

<p>Any suggestions, please tell me!</p>

<p>You’re KI in #1 is way to specific. KIs should be more general so that they could be applied to a variety of examples</p>