<p>Yeah, Clearchannel owns several rap stations in the Philly area, it seems that that's all there is anymore out here. Basically, I've given up on the mainstream stations here... I'm stuck with the college stations...XPN, which is the progressive station owned by Penn, and WRTI, the jazz station owned by Temple, and they're not even that great! Poor Philadelphia!</p>
<p>Top <a href="mailto:7@8">7@8</a>... my bad. </p>
<p>Clearchannel owns it now... that explains everything! What a load of BS this is. For those who are upset, maybe you could invest in XM Satellite or Sirius. They have some decent 90s and alt-rock channels.</p>
<p>"...But he does not own the sky." -from The Aviator.</p>
<p>I tried to sign the petition but apparently they block more than one signature per IP address and my son or someone beat me to it. I hate when that happens. I think I'll try signing onto AOL dial-up and see if that works. </p>
<p>I'm still mad that they killed my favorite station Alice 104.5. How many soft rock stations does Philly need? Bee gone stupid soft rock....</p>
<p>I LOVED alice 104.5! what was it on for, like 6 months? then it died... yes, Bee gone!</p>
<p>ding dong the witch is dead..the wicked witch..the wicked old witch?..ding dong the wicked witch is deaddddd</p>
<p>Yeah, that crap they replaced it with is awful....Sunny 104.5 quite possibly the most annoying station in the history of mankind...I mean, who the hell plays 24 hours a day of Christmas Music every day from Halloween till New Years day, that's insane!</p>
<p>did you see tonite on both Fox & NBC at least the save y100 movement got a spot, with links to the website and all? that made me happy :)</p>
<p>No, I didn't...if Mumsy wasn't watching the Oscars, I would've, as I wanted to see Rob Guarino's forecast for the snow tomorrow. He's usually better than that sell out "Hurricane" Schwartz.</p>
<p>Yeah, there are a lot of people who are really mad about this whole thing...it really is a shame. It's such a great city, it deserves good radio...</p>
.Sunny 104.5 quite possibly the most annoying station in the history of mankind...I mean, who the hell plays 24 hours a day of Christmas Music every day from Halloween till New Years day, that's insane!
<p>in seattle we have a station like that, Warm106.9, they had non stop christmas music for at least two months. in the off season they play crap like phil collins, air supply and Nsync slow songs. I once had a teacher who liked to play this station when it was a work period. ugghhhh</p>
<p>Sunny 104.5 and B101 are "adult contemporary" stations (theres another one too but i forget the #)<br>
christmas songs three months of the year, ricky martin, old style Jewel, anything you could play on an elevator and not offend ANYone. haha. a lot of people play them at work, i personally, would rather listen to chainsaws grinding away at plumbing than listen to 104.5 or 101. </p>
<p>because of the news spots last night, the <a href="http://www.y100rocks.com%5B/url%5D">www.y100rocks.com</a> website got a pretty impressive face lift and now almost 32000 people have signed it</p>
<p>same thing happened in my area.. (northern VA). 99.1 alternative rock station (DC/VA/MD) was cancelled a while ago but they deserved it.. I think :P I was disappopinted because the concerts they throw were gone with them as well, but the quality of it was going down so I didn't mind so much. But still, I know what you mean.</p>
<p>I signed it :)</p>
<p>For all the fans of the Preston and Steve show: I just found out some new information and I thought I'd pass it along in case anyone else didn't know The show is not going away completely. It will now be on 93.3 WMMR. I'm not sure when it will start but you can read an open letter from Preston and Steve at <a href="http://www.prestonandsteve.com%5B/url%5D">www.prestonandsteve.com</a></p>
<p>Clear Channel owns everything. I think they own a part of me somehow.</p>
<p>preston and steve cant be on the air for 6 months (tho im not sure y) so they will be airing in august at the earliest. until then they are employed by mmr.
i wasnt a fan of the preston and steve show, personally, but i know a lot of people who were</p>
<p>All that's really left is 93.3, The Hawk, and MGK.</p>
<p>For everyone who showed an interest in this thread and signed the petition.. 18 months later, it finally paid off. Y100 moved its radio station to the internet (<a href="http://www.y100rocks.com%5B/url%5D">www.y100rocks.com</a>) and they have been broadcasting for the last 18 months to the world. They've continued to do everything they used to do - but even better.. they still have actors and bands stop by and do broadcasts on the air, they still sponser concerts, etc... even though they are only an online station... </p>
<p>Just today XPN (88.5) announced a partnership with y100rocks.com. They will now be called Y Rock on XPN. XPN will let them keep their online station run by volunteers, as well as give them a studio to run it out of, and they have hired the former Program Director and given him his own radio show called Y Rock on Wed, Thurs, and Fri nights...</p>
<p>the best part of this? They are a non commercial station.. meaning no corporate this and that over what to play. Listener sponsered... according to their website their listeners donated more than 550k in their spring fundraising drive.. I'd expect that to skyrocket now that they have Y100 on board.</p>
<p>Also, XPN is run by the Univeristy of Pennsylvania</p>
<p>The same thing happened over here. The area's only rock music station shut down. Now there's Spanish music playing. I know there's a petition already, but I can't find it.</p>
<p>Welcome to NYC, Philly....suxs to have only classic Rock, Rap, Dance, and Hip-Hop, but that's the way of this cruel, demented world we live in :/ (92.3, now known in the last years as Free Rock sucks monkey b@ll s. Which is a talk show that used to air Howard Stern, the only redeeming part of the network left...at least they still play on Weekends)</p>