<p>African-American Male at a Decent Public School
Applying to Carnegie Institute of Tech. (ECE) and School of Computer Science </p>
<p>UW GPA: 3.8/4.0
W GPA: 4.5/5.0</p>
<p>SAT I: 1410 (690V, 720M)
SAT II: 760/680/630</p>
<p>-International Baccalaureate Student Group (Co-Founder/Co-President)
-MuAlphaTheta Math Honor Society (Math Tutor and Co-President)
-Student Government Association (Treasurer)
-Senior Class Council Senior/Freshman Mentor
-Leadership Council - Student Member
-Its Academic Team
-Indoor Track and Field Team
-Outdoor Track and Field Team
-Digital Art Club</p>
<p>Full International Baccalaureate Student
-HL English, HL History of Europe/Russia, HL Computer Science
-SL Math Studies, SL Spanish, SL Physics</p>
<p>6 Advanced Placement
-American Gov't and Politics
-Calculus BC
-Computer Science AB
-Physics C
-United States History</p>
<p>Summer Activities:
Carnegie Mellon University
Summer Academy for Math and Science 2003 and 2004
-Differential Calculus (21-115), Grade: A</p>
-National Achievement Scholarship Program Finalist
-Maryland Distinguished Scholar - Honorable Mention
-Student of the Quarter (2003)
-African-American Festival for Academic Excellence Award
-Scholar Athlete Award</p>