<p>I see the required items list in the Cadet Handbook, but does anyone know if the Swabs should bring their graphing calculator? I know they will be tested in the first 2 weeks of Swab Summer, so should they have it when they arrive?</p>
<p>From the USCGA Parents Organization web site: U.S</a>. Coast Guard Academy Parents Association - SWAB FAQ</p>
<p>**What do they need to pack for the Academy?*</p>
<p>If its not on the list don't bring it. Translation: Don't even THINK about bringing it, no way, no how. DO NOT go there. If it's NOT on the What to Bring list DON'T bring it! Take the bare minimum on R-Day.*</p>
<p>good question, sweetness, I was wondering, too. Along those lines about bringing stuff, I know the school provides them with a laptop, but what about purchasing a printer? Obviously they probably won't need it till fall, but can anyone (current cadet?) provide some good suggestions on one?<br>
Excellent link, Luigi...as always..some really good tips, some I never thought of.<br>
Have to teach son how to sew on a button. And bring CASH for R-day. 58days!</p>
but what about purchasing a printer? Obviously they probably won't need it till fall, but can anyone (current cadet?) provide some good suggestions on one?
<p>From what I've read, getting a printer (and maybe an external monitor) during Parent's Weekend is the usual time frame. There is a Stapes (or is it an Office Depot) nearby.</p>
<p>A limited supply of printers is available at the academy book store, but mine survived without until parentÂ’s weekend. Best Buy by the Crystal Mall of off Frontage road is the hot spot where a lot of cadets shop for their electronic supplies. External hard drive, printer and external display are considered the three most popular computer peripherals. You can wait until swab summer is about over and send your cadets calculator to them by mail. </p>
<p>Instead of buying one expensive digital watch for swab summer, bring along two inexpensive digital watches, quite a few watch bands break during the rigorous swab summer.</p>
<p>A limited supply of printers is available at the academy book store, but mine survived without until parentÂ’s weekend. Best Buy by the Crystal Mall of off Frontage road is the hot spot where a lot of cadets shop for their electronic supplies. External hard drive, printer and external display are considered the three most popular computer peripherals. You can wait until swab summer is about over and send your cadets calculator to them by mail. </p>
<p>Instead of buying one expensive digital watch for swab summer, bring along two inexpensive digital watches, quite a few watch bands break during the rigorous swab summer.</p>
<p>Stick to the packing list provided in the Cadet Handbook...do you really need to prove to your cadre on the first day of Swab Summer that you can't follow instructions? Having observed a couple R-Days, including my own, it's amazing to see the wide variety of "stuff" that the incoming Swabs arrive with - you all did receive the same packing list, right?</p>
<p>There is a required and an optional packing list, and he figured if some can bring a handheld instrument, and he will not be bringing one, perhaps the graphing calculator would be a beneficial substitution, but I guess he'll just leave it home and we'll ship it when he is told he can have it. Thanks........</p>
<p>Another thing to think about when packing is that during swab summer, you usually have to move to a different room a couple times, at least they have in the past. Sticking to what you are supposed to bring is really smart as other posters have said. My 2/c has never had a printer and has said several times he doesn't want/need one even though we have offered to buy him one or send him one from home. You really don't want to bring any extra attention to yourself, so sticking to everything they tell you to bring is really good advice.</p>
<p>Current cadets and anyone with experience, what's the best type of suitcase or bag for swabs to bring? I've seen some R-day pics where they have duffel bags? How about the black carry-ons with wheels? Any advice appreciated.</p>
<p>haha, i would not advise anything with wheels. a small duffel bag should be fine</p>
<p>Our son who is 4th class this year, packed everything into one backpack. Just like he used for his book bag in high school. That way when he had to carry/run to the bus, up the stairs, to his room, etc, it was easier. The less they have to carry, the better. They need very little and get most of what they need. Anything extra that he wanted we put into a care package that we mailed on the day after R-day.<br>
It was rather funny to see what some of the new plebes arrived with on R-day, poor things must not have had access to this site!<br>
Make sure to sit down one night with a permanent marker and write his name ( first initial, last name) on his underwear, t-shirts, socks ( I put it on the botton of the sole).<br>
Best advice he got was to travel light!!!</p>
<p>Here's a link to the Parents' Association FAQ on this and related subjects:</p>
<p>U.S</a>. Coast Guard Academy Parents Association - SWAB FAQ
It suggests packing only what the swab can carry comfortably all over the place, all day long.</p>
<p>Don't have them become the subject of extra attention (and ridicule) because you force them to pack more than what they are supposed to. </p>
<p>On R-Day they cease to be yours, and become the Coast Guard's, in a hurry!</p>
<p>I brought a large carry-on type bag to AIM and I can safely say that running up the hills and then up the stairs of Chase Hall with that big thing lugging behind me was not fun at all.</p>
<p>Thanks for the helpful advice & tips all. Good stuff.
Son got his passport today. Seems they've <em>sped</em> up the process and turn-around time, we just did the application 10 days ago. Did it at the post office, very easy and sent it regular mail.</p>