things u hate

<p>Humans tend to make me mad...stupid humans, esp. I also hate political corrutpion and loving, yet hating, a certain girl...Yeah, don't even ask...too complex...</p>

<p>-I hate people on cc who assume they're getting deferred and don't even think getting rejected is a possibility</p>

<p>that depends on what school. harvard only reject people who have like a 600/2400 SAT and defer 70% earlies, while others like Yale and Stanford are much harsher about bursting early bubbles.</p>

<p>but then, most ppl here who posted their stats are pretty darn good, and I highly doubt most of them will be rejected in the early round, even from really good schools.</p>

<p>I know what you mean, but what makes me even more angry is the people with completely perfect stats who ask about their admissions chances...</p>

<p>^grrrr me too! I have a 2400 SAT, 36 ACT, 800 math2c, 780 spanish, 800 biology, 4.0uw, 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, RSI, siemens finalist, piano for 12 years, have dual citizenship with norway and fluently speak 1700 languages. Do I have any shot at college XYZ? Does my 780 kill my chances?</p>

<p>yes, celebrian...That 780's quite low...I'd retake it, or you're doomed to be a failure in life!</p>

<p>yeah, get ready cos you're going to your local community college! :D</p>

<p>I know <em>feels ashamed</em>. What will I tell my parents? I don't know what I'll do. Who cares if I have perfect recs from my biology teacher who's life I personally saved, and my history teacher who I co-wrote a book with, and my good friend who's Bill Clinton. So what If my essays are so good my english teacher cried from the joy of my words? that 780 kills me!</p>

<p>I really are quite a loser...why should I lower myself to the level that I would speak with you? What were you thinking when you got a miserable 780? How stupid and lazy can you get? Really, celebrian, your life is over, lol...</p>

<p>Perhaps it would be wise to just resign from the human race...that 780...your life is really over...what kind of success do you think you'll have in life, lol?!</p>

<p>hey no offense
but i was just wondering... how do you feel celebrian with those 9500 posts...
average posts of 25 a day for a year....
i think its good that u r active in this site, but wouldn't it be good if you study more on that time?
i'm not saying theres anything wrong...</p>

<p>umm... who actually suggests studying?? there are actually a lot better ways to waste your life than studying</p>

<p>These are the things that I hate (or in most cases, seriously get on my nerves):</p>

<p>*People who do things just to fit in with the crowd</p>

<p>*Having to wake up early on weekends</p>

<p>*People who constantly talk about other peoples' flaws</p>

<p>*Getting told that I'm too quiet (or worse, getting told, "You're sooooooo loud!" as a joke)</p>

<p>*People who make a hobby out of arguing</p>



<p>-ppl who hate things just b/c the popular kids like them</p>

<p>-people who tell me to study instead of being on cc. Ummm...for the most part I get good grades so obviously I'm doing something right :p</p>

<p>People who go crazy in crowds to attract attention, but in single person are actually cool people.</p>

<p>I like them when I talk to them one-on-one, but in a group some people are so out of character.</p>

<p>I hate people who blame the president for every single bad thing that happens in the world.</p>

<p>Yeah, especially the people that have no reason to hate Bush. They kinda just hate Bush because they need something to complain about and most people I know think it's cool to complain about Bush and stuff.</p>

<p>I hate when someone is on all the same threads as me...</p>

<p>hahaha, me 2 ;)</p>