<p>...but don't due to decency.</p>
<p>To this girl: "I'd rather have a life than your 4.0"</p>
<p>To my ex-boyfriend: "I'm still not over you"</p>
<p>To the Euro teacher: "Your cheekbones are... sexy!!!"</p>
<p>...but don't due to decency.</p>
<p>To this girl: "I'd rather have a life than your 4.0"</p>
<p>To my ex-boyfriend: "I'm still not over you"</p>
<p>To the Euro teacher: "Your cheekbones are... sexy!!!"</p>
<p>To OP: “Just fu*king say them next time”</p>
<p>^ lol on the last one… no obbession for me</p>
<p>^ i was talkin to modulation</p>
<p>Yeah, don’t follow TheeDude’s advice. You’ll sound like a beyotch.</p>
<p>ETA: 90% of the things I think would be too rude to say out loud. Which leaves me with very little to talk about, and therefore I don’t talk as much. :/</p>
<p>Obviously there’s a reason I don’t say them…</p>
<p>to english teacher: miss, i completely sparknoted this literary analysis.</p>
<p>“Stop putting on so much damn perfume!” I swear to god there’s this one girl who sits next to me and she like soaks her clothes in perfume over night and showers with perfume rather than water. Also, she wears more make up than a geisha!</p>
<p>To girl: You sound like a blubbering idiot, dress like a slut, and need to stop spending your parents’ money on useless and unnecessary things.</p>
<p>To freshmen: YOU ARE ALL STUPID*</p>
<p>hm so modulation is not a guy. Sorry, my bad. </p>
<p>to this girl: “It’s been 4 years, but my feelings haven’t changed. please choose mit over wharton so I can have a chance to see you again.” </p>
<p>to my english teacher: “freaking stop going to the restroom after period 1 every single day! And pleeeeease smile in the hallway.”</p>
<p>to my parents: “just get along.”</p>
<p>Awww, that’s really cute. =]</p>
<p>Awww that was really cute!</p>
<p>Awww that was really cute! Sk- thank you for everything. I wish I could see you again to say a lot of things that were left unsaid but we’re not allowed to see each other. You have changed my life…</p>
<p>To my history teacher: “You’re a *****. Stop treating people like crap and actually help us. When we ask ‘stupid’ questions, it’s not because we are intellectually challenged. It’s because you refuse to help us like a teacher is supposed to. Get off your high horse; you aren’t that amazing. Oh, and learn how to spell.”</p>
<p>^ wow can i say the negatives in here too cause i have a whole bunch</p>
<p>To my best guy friend: “You are basically my best friend, and I really care about you. I have liked you for the past year to a ridiculous extent, and I’m GLAD we never hooked up/dated because anyone you have has been temporary. You really hurt me when you hooked up and almost had sex (you would have if I hadn’t walked in on you two) with one of my best girl friends in my bed at my party. But you do not really understand why because I never told you I liked you.”</p>
<p>To one of my best girl friends: “You’re a complete ***** for thinking that I don’t have a right to be angry with you, especially since you are the one I confided in most about this guy. By the way, alcohol is never an excuse, and you are accountable for your actions.”</p>
<p>My life is so high school. I have a party, fight breaks out, cops come, catch best friend with guy I liked forever in MY bed, can’t be mad at her because I’m going to her debutante ball this week, and meanwhile I am applying to Yale. I can actually relate to those ridiculous teen dramas (Gossip Girls, 90210, etc).</p>
<p>ex - I cant believe I ever went out with you and I also cant believe you hooked up with some girl in front of everyone at a party and got your picture taken and on facebook…</p>
<p>this one boy-I reallyyyy hope you turn out to be who I’m looking for because I reallyyyyyy need that perfect senior year romance</p>
<p>this other boy-Oh so you like playing our little game? I know you probably invented it, but trust me I can play it alll day too. </p>
<p>my Mom-can you please stop alternating between reminding me that we’re broke and buying every frkn piece of house decor in sight…it’s like shopping gone bipolar</p>
<p>i wish i could tell the guy i liked, that i hate that i like him because he drives me crazy.
i wish i could tell my friend who keeps flirting with me to back off and that i don’t like him that way.
i wish i could tell my dad off for trying to keep me from hanging out with friends/ going out and just up and leave without having to ever come back.
i wish i could tell my calc teacher to stop picking favorites.</p>
<p>To balding men: “Yes, I know you’re bald. Please stop combing your hair over. I am not fooled. I would be incredibly fooled if you put a rabid badger on your head, though.”</p>