Things you wish you would have known your undergraduate Freshman year (Physics)...

<p>Hey everyone.</p>

<p>I have mixed feelings about CC. I hate it but it has taught me so much.</p>


<p>I got into MIT last month and I'm interested in becoming a successful physics researcher. I know that to enter the academia you need a Ph.D. so i was wondering if you guys (those of you who know the "system") have any tips, recommendations or pointers.</p>

<p>I've never done research but i will start looking for opportunities in my first semester, even if it means "cleaning dishes" for a while.</p>

<p>by the way, i come from a disadvantaged background (URM, first generation, low income, immigrant, etc.) so some of the things that are obvious for you might not be as obvious to me. Please keep this in mind. (my mother didn't know what MIT was)</p>

<p>--------------------->>>>What do YOU wish you would have known as a freshman of college??????<<<<---------------------</p>

<p>(the question can be answered as a physics major, MIT undergraduate, graduate school aspirant, graduate school student, college professor, etc. i am most concerned with getting into a strong graduate program)</p>

<p>please refrain from using personal stories (I'm in XYC college with a #.# GPA, what are my chances?), unless they help illustrate your point</p>

<p>-a million thanks!</p>

<p>First thing you should know is that you may think you know what you want to do, but you will probably change your mind. Some people know right away, but it isn’t necessarily common. So don’t box yourself into one path right away, don’t stack your schedule in one direction your first semester or even your first year.</p>

<p>So to make a list of things I wish I knew:

  1. Balancing work and pleasure- if you aren’t also having fun you will become depressed and get no work done. Go out and party with friends. If you focus all week studying then it is mandatory to go out during the weekend with your friends at least once. Find a girlfriend/boyfriend. College is an experience, don’t ruin it by doing too much work or too much play.
  2. Don’t screw yourself with your schedule, plan ahead. Look at what you need to graduate then spread out your hard classes. Don’t take all your gen eds and end up having to take all upper level classes in your major later on. I’m a math major and I love math, but that doesn’t mean I want to take 5 math classes at the same time. Problem sets can take hours and hours to complete, I don’t want to even think about what it would be like to try to complete 5 per week or two.
  3. Make your first semester easy. Don’t take all lab science and math classes.
  4. Go in and see your professors, ask for their advice and guidance. Chat them up, you’ll need them for recs.</p>

<p>awesome. thanks.</p>

<p>Well the only reason i want to start planning right now is because i expect people at MIT to be way ahead of me academically. Speeding up for two or three years might just jump start my physics career and have positive ripple effects throughout the rest of my life.</p>

<p>what is your opinion about getting the Humanities requirements done as fast as possible? is there any benefit to this? (being able to take grad. physics senior year, and such?)</p>

<p>what are the benefits of working in p-set groups? In HS i work alone on my problem sets because i find that people (even those who are going to ivy schools) slow me down.</p>

<p>what do you think is the best way to expose yourself to different fields? such as learning to differentiate mechanical engineering vs. theoretical physics vs. experimental physics vs. chemistry and what skills each requires.</p>

<p>is there any benefit to doing a math/physics double major or a physics with a minor in math for grad school in experimental physics? what about for theoretical physics?</p>

<p>sorry if i’m getting a little ahead of myself. I’ve been successful in HS because i have always planned ahead.</p>

<p>remember, things might not always go your way in college… but i agree it’s good to plan ahead… not too far ahead tho… and be OPEN to different things… if you find out that you like econ more than physics… don’t be too reluctant about dropping physics… your first love might not be your true love</p>

<p>I’m a 2006 MIT grad (biology/brain and cog sci).

This is not really a good idea. You can take grad physics classes any time you want (even freshman year, if you’d really like to do so), and taking one humanities class per term is a good way to keep yourself sane. It’s tough to take four science classes in a term at MIT – it’s doable, but it’s tough. Taking a HASS per semester is a good thing.</p>


You will probably not find that people at MIT slow you down, and the benefit to working in pset groups (other than the social interaction) is mostly that sometimes psets are too hard to do by yourself.</p>


No cleaning dishes. :slight_smile: UROPs have real work to do.</p>

<p>I’m copying your thread to the MIT forum; pebbles, who’s a senior in the physics department, might be able to help you more than I can.</p>



<p>No, I would advise against this. You’ll take about the same number of classes anyway regardless of when you take HASS classes, so you’re not gaining anything, and it causes your learning of various subjects to be oddly distributed and possibly to feel less natural.</p>

<p>A tip regarding physics itself (I was not a physics major but I heard this from pretty much every physics major I knew) is that you can’t really decide whether you have serious liking or aptitude for physics based on 8.01 and 8.02 (the required physics classes that most people take as freshmen), because those classes are not representative of physics classes in general. 8.03 (waves & vibrations) is considered something of a weeder class, and also not representative. A lot of my course 8 friends said that 8.04 (the first quantum class) was when they really fell in love with physics, and that until then they had been dithering (and some of them had not been in the major at all; they had only been planning to minor until then).</p>

<p>You’re already aware that other people might be ahead of you, but if you’ve spent your whole life being ahead of your peers, you likely aren’t emotionally prepared to be behind and struggling, even if you are intellectually - this isn’t a knock on you, it’s something that’s pretty much impossible to prepare for emotionally (even struggling at, say, a sport, or other EC, doesn’t do it, though it may be the closest approximation you can get, because a sport doesn’t have the same impact on your future, and being good at it probably is less intertwined with your identity). The best way to prepare is to realize that you will probably be unprepared, and to start figuring out support mechanisms before it hits.</p>

<p>Along similar lines, find something that you can do outside of classes (and probably outside of academics in general) from which you can take pride and a sense of identity. Many, many students coming into MIT come in with pretty one-dimensional identities that have been imposed on them by others. Encouraged by the people around them, they see themselves as brains and little else. Their purpose in life is to be smart and do well in school, and their self-image is based around that purpose. The farther ahead of their peers they have been in their pre-college life, the more this is true. One of the wonderful things about MIT is that it pretty much forces most people to develop a more complex identity, because in such a talented crowd and at such a difficult school, very few people can maintain that one-dimensional identity. But the downside to that is that people become massively disoriented when that old identity breaks down. They don’t know who they are or what they’re good for anymore. Their entire basis for self-worth and meaning seems to have been ripped out from under them overnight, and so they fall into a pit of despair. They recover as they develop a new, multi-dimensional identity, and are often happier in the long run for having done so (I sure am), but if you want to avoid the pit-of-despair phase, it helps a lot to already <em>have</em> other things that give you pride and meaning.</p>

<p>Also, definitely start looking for research early, but realize that in some departments you may have trouble finding it, because they will want more coursework and experience than you have. Don’t be discouraged, keep trying, and update your resume as you progress. For something like physics, you might want to look outside your intended department as well as in it when it’s early in your career, because a lot of disciplines use physics, and their department’s UROPs will require less physics background than a physics prof’s UROP might, so it might be easier to get those UROPs as a frosh. Biology, neuroscience, applied math, materials, nukeE, mechE, bioE, and earth/atmospheric/planetary sci all use physics, and that’s only a partial listing.</p>

<p>awesome! thank you so much everyone.</p>

<p>jessiehl helped dispel many erroneous notions that i had.</p>

<p>Keep it coming! :-)</p>

<p>Jessie, that is some seriously great advice.</p>

<p>I’ve heard that MIT does not recommend their undergrads in physics to apply to MIT later for their graduate program. Is this true? If so, is it really wise to go to MIT for physics?</p>

<p>You’ve already received a lot of great advice on this thread. I’m going to toss in a bit more, both as a university professor (social science, not physics) and as the parent of an MIT physics major. The only thing I’d add to what you’ve read here is to keep an open mind about a second major. If you take a few courses in another field and then decide that either 1) physics is really not your cup of tea, or 2) you really aren’t cut out to be a physicist after all, then you can opt to do the Course 8 flexible option and combine it with a second major. This is all explained here: [MIT</a> Department of Physics - Physics Degree Requirements](<a href=“]MIT”> Keep your options open. If you do well in 8.03, you should be able to land a physics UROP. They’re notoriously difficult to find, but if you persist and talk personally with a few professors about your interest, you’ll have a good chance of success. My daughter landed a summer paid UROP in plasma physics after her freshman year.</p>

<p>Anecdotally, my daughter has taken quite a few course 6 classes along the way and now is thinking of double majoring in 6 and 8. Still, she’s going to wait and see how she likes Quantum Mechanics before making the final decision. Again, a little advance planning can really help you maintain a range of options.</p>


It is true – MIT undergrads are admitted to the program, but they’re encouraged to go elsewhere, which is true of most science departments at MIT (and at other schools).</p>

<p>I think it would be really unwise for this information to cause anyone not to choose MIT as an undergraduate. Your grad school choice will be dictated primarily by your research interests and your desire to work with particular faculty members, not by things like school culture, and you don’t know what your precise research interests are at this point, so there’s no reason to avoid a particular school just because you won’t do your PhD there. If you complete your undergraduate degree in physics at MIT, there will be plenty of other doors open for you.</p>



<p>Only if they walk on water. :)</p>



<p>Yep. The MIT physics alums I know who went to grad school are now doing PhDs at places like Caltech (a couple of those), Columbia, Harvard, and UCSB. They are not exactly suffering for having not been able to get a PhD from MIT.</p>

<p>Since you want to go to grad school, make sure that you develop reasonably close relationships with at least a few professors. Your letters of recommendation are as important as your grades.</p>

<p>Don’t discount the idea of doing research elsewhere. A physics major friend of mine (the one who’s now a Columbia student) did a couple of UROPs, (including one in systems neuroscience when he was relatively young and new to physics - see my previous comment about how other disciplines use basic physics) but the experience that he really blathered on about was when he was a summer research intern at Los Alamos. In addition to enjoying the work, he thought it was valuable to get to experience the environment of a government lab, and compare it to the academic environment.</p>

<p>And yeah, keep your mind open about majors. I have one friend (who, like you, came from a disadvantaged background) who came to MIT to do astrophysics and ended up as a happy architect instead.</p>

<p>If you want to go to grad school, keep your GPA up, from the start. Get used to working independently: on psets, on lab work, whatever. Look for opportunities, get to know your professors, find a lab sophomore year and stick with them for several years, you might get some real results and publish but if you don’t at least you won’t be scrounging for a senior thesis come IAP senior year :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Go for the hard classes. Right away. You might realize you have a talent for something and that confidence will carry you. On the other hand, it’s also better to find out sooner rather than later if you’re no good. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Some people are good at some things, and some people at others. Put your talents to use, don’t struggle needlessly in a subject that is too difficult for you.</p>

<p>DON’T be embarrassed or afraid of stepping off the straight path. </p>

<p>And just non-grad school other pieces of advice.
don’t get behind on HASS’s. Take one every semester. I’ve had to take 4 HASS classes senior year and it’s really started to get on my nerves when what I really wanna be taking is GR and astrophysics and statistical mechanics and whatnot.</p>

<p>I dunno, don’t ask me, man. Here’s my path. I’m an immigrant, I went to 8 schools in as many years, I took AP Calc in high school but not physics. I started MIT as a 16 major. Took 8.012 and thought it was pretty cool and I might be pretty ok at it. Declared a double in 8 and 16. Sophomore year after taking Unified and 8.03 and 8.033 and an 18 class, I realized what I really loved was physics and man I hated engineering classes. I dropped 16 as a major and never took another class in it even though I planned to. Worked w/ the Man Vehicle Lab, LIGO, NASA, and I’ve been on the science/instrument team of a exoplanet satellite (launch 2012…or so they say…) for the past 2 years and will do my senior thesis with them. I’ve TA’ed and now I’m grading in physics classes. I’ve gone on field trips with physics dept and dinners. I own a SPS (society of physics students) shirt. After freshman year I never worked with anyone on my psets again (except maybe once). You learn how to get through this place, you fall into your ways, it’s nothing I ever planned for.</p>

<p>Listen, I love physics but after some soul searching this year, I didn’t apply to grad school and am in the process of taking at least a year or a few off before making that kind of commitment. From high school, it’s a straight shot to college, but things get a lot more complicated between college and grad school. But I have no regrets. That door is wide open for me should I choose to step through it. My philosophy throughout college, that’s served me well, I think, is, until you decide, keep as many doors & windows open as possible. And the key way to do this is keep active, keep looking, stay curious, and get good grades.</p>

<p>Oh Few Things: Physics UROPs are not hard to find, nevermind “notoriously difficult”. I don’t understand where that perception comes from at all. Some professors are friendlier than others but there will always be someone willing to take you under their wing (if you are a decent student). MIT physics undergrads are encouraged to go elsewhere. If you’re an MIT undergrad applying to MIT grad, here is where it’s “notoriously difficult”. To get in. You know you will have at least ONE faculty member on the admissions board voting against you (so I hear, lol. from this faculty member). But, why would you want to? Get out of here! See the world!</p>



<p>Ironically, MIT can be like that for some people (such as myself – mixed feelings, love/hate).</p>



<p>I was a CS major who graduated in 1984. Among other things, I wish something like CC had existed back then. I would have benefited from the information on course selection, difficulty of classes, careers, etc.</p>



<p>This depends on how you feel about humanities classes in general. Some people enjoy them - they are integral parts of their education. Some people find them a welcome break from STEM classes. Others dislike them and would rather focus on STEM classes.</p>



<p>It varies based on the people you work with. If they are highly motivated and eager to learn and share, it can be a very worthwhile experience. Otherwise, you might be better off working alone. I’ll echo others’ comments that sometimes, the psets can be sufficiently difficult that working in groups is necessary. OTOH, if you pursue a PhD in physics, you’ll eventually get to the point where you’re working (mostly) alone on your dissertation.</p>



<p>Doing UROPs and internships will give you exposure to what people in these fields do.</p>

<p>A couple of other pieces of advice:</p>

<p>There is a lot of information at [</a> Jobs for PhDs, graduate school rankings, and career resources for scientists and engineers](<a href=“”> about careers and life in academia. It may change your mind about getting a PhD, or at least give you some food for thought.</p>

<p>I don’t know how much exposure you’ve had to other fields of study, but you might find that you enjoy other things besides physics during your time at the 'tute. It’s fairly common for people to come in intending to major in something and decide to do something else during and even after their time at the 'tute.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>wow this thread has exceeded all my expectations. Thank you so much everyone!</p>



<p>Could you please tell me more about this experience?</p>

<p>IAP freshman year with the Artificial Gravity team working on analyzing the results for the centrifuge experiments with human subjects and finding the root of the causes for motion sickness and ways to minimize it. I got the key to the big machinery and an accelerometer on a helmet to measure the forces. Basic stuff.</p>