Think I have a good chance of getting in?

<p>I'm going crazy! This is my top school and I'm so worried I won't get in.</p>

<p>I have a:</p>

<p>3.36 GPA unweighted
have taken 4 honors classes
wrote a great essay (my father passed away during HS)
have some good activities, vice president of a club/photo editor for the school, some other clubs and volunteer work and a job</p>

<p>What do you guys think? I also sent in recommendations.</p>

<p>In state or out of state? What major? SAT/ACT scores?</p>

<p>I can’t believe I forgot all that stuff! Sorry, I was staying up late last night to check the status page.</p>

<p>ACT = 28 composite (33 in english, 25 in math)
SAT = 1360 composite</p>

<p>I am in state. I applied for Undecided/undeclared</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure it comes out today, good luck, I would like this school to accept me now that I’ve been rejected from (a school that is much too good)</p>

<p>My college and career teacher told me that it would be posted today at 5:00 but it’s almost 6:30 and still nothing. :(</p>

<p>Is anyone else having the same problem?</p>

<p>If that 1360 is 1360/1600. Welcome to Virginia Tech. If it’s 1360/2400, then that’s really bad.</p>

<p>It was out of 1600. And I was waitlisted.</p>

<p>wow im suprised, that sucks sorry bro</p>

<p>NO WAY! Virginia Tech admits like a law school: one mediocre entity (based on the way high schools weight these days 3.36 is mediocre), but a very good SAT score 1360 should’ve gotten you in! I can’t believe they wait listed you. I would appeal. Unless you have an inordinate amount of C’s or have a D or F, I’d go for it.</p>

<p>GoTechGo, what are the chances of getting in on an appeal, because i have a 3.5 uw and 1460 sat with only two c+ in ap spanish and ap euro?</p>

<p>I am totally dumbfounded at your waitlisted Rick. A 3.5 unweighted and a 1460??? I think the chances for appeal are worth a try. You have solid numbers. I’m not an admissions counselor so I cannot speculate, but you have solid numbers.</p>

<p>I wasn’t even waitlisted, flat out denied. It said online i would need to provide new information about myself (updated grades etc.) in order to be up for an appeal. But my mid year grades were all A’s and B’s ( with an B+ in Calc BC and A in physics B). So i don’t see how updated grades would help. Do you have any suggestions for a reason to appeal.</p>

<p>Basically state that your SAT score is well above the upper 25% and that your GPA is still solid. Also write a letter about how you would benefit from a Virginia Tech education and how the “work hard/play hard” attitude of this university suits you best. Finally, talk about the Pylons.</p>

<p>Can I appeal a wait list? or is there any thing I can do that will improve my chances of being removed off of it?</p>

<p>yeah, it says online you can appeal a waitlist or denial with the following guidelines:</p>

<p>The appeal will only be accepted from the student, not from a parent or guardian.</p>

<p>The appeal must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the notification of the original decision.</p>

<p>The appeal must contain NEW information that was not included in the initial application. Examples of new information might include updated standardized test scores or a new transcript if it is determined that a teacher submitted an inaccurate grade. Additional letters of recommendation are not considered new information. Grades earned in the February/March time frame that would not have been available during the regular review period for all applicants will not be considered.</p>

<p>The appeals process is not a re-review process of the existing applicant file. Appeals will not be considered for applicants who are not submitting new information.</p>

<p>The appeal should include an explanation of why the new information was not submitted originally.
The Admissions Committee will notify you of its decision in writing.
Appeals should be mailed to:
Undergraduate Admissions
201 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061</p>

<p>I’m surprised as well that you didn’t get in Rick. When I applied last year with a 3.5W and a 1550 SAT and got into engineering. Their standards must have gone up by a huge amount since last year.</p>

<p>I was surprised that I was not even offered university studies, since this is my first choice I’d rather do this than go to ODU, which was my safety.</p>

<p>Hey Rick, send me a personal message with your e-mail address and I will contact you. I have zero say in the matter, but I am a Hokie Ambassador and can at least direct you to the appropriate people. Send me your e-mail.</p>