
<p>What will colleges think?</p>

<p>A C in Precal Honors, but like a 730+ SAT Math? I know yall will probably say that it doesn't matter, it's unexcusable. Also, what about A B+ in US History regulars, but took the AP exam (4+) and the SAT II (760+)?</p>

<p>well how competitive is your school? also by sat math, do you mean sat i math or sat ii?</p>

<p>SAT I Math. I'm confident I could make 780+ on the SAT II Math IIC. My school is competitive, as it's a medical magnet school. My teachers are hard, so it isn't like I'm not trying in the classes, which I don't wanna the schools to think.</p>

<p>i dont tihnk the C in precalc would matter much except for the fact that it'll hurt your overall gpa a bit</p>

<p>true, you be true/</p>

<p>how can you have a 4+? is it a 4 or a 5?</p>

<p>They are all pretty predictable scores.</p>