Thinking about transfering in

<p>SoI'm kind of in a rut at my current university and I'm thinking about transferring to Madison. I have some questions:</p>

<p>-Is it going to be hard to meet people since I will be transferring in?</p>

<p>-Whats the best place to live as a transfer student?</p>

<li>Anything else I need to know?</li>

<p>If it helps any I am currently a first semester sophomore.</p>

<p>thanks for your help,</p>

<p>Many people do transfer, should be easy to meet people in your classes and any organizations you join. As a large campus most may not even realize you are a transfer, or care. Often good to live in a dorm when you are new to a campus- especially if you choose the transfer house. Be aware mainly freshmen and some sophomores otherwise in the dorms.</p>

<p>Being in a rut is not the reason to transfer. You need a positive reason to be in Madison, not just wanting to leave your current U for nebulous reasons. Think about why you are dissatisfied with where you are. Is it the social life or the academics? If social ask yourself what makes you think being in Madison without knowing anyone will improve matters. If academic- identify the specifics to yourself. Consider if you feel challenged enough, find courses you want and so forth. You need to spend some time figuring out how being at UW will make a difference in your life without glamorizing Madison. Justify to yourself reasons to make the change.</p>

<p>Notice how I am telling you to “…yourself”- you don’t need to tell us. It may be that Madison will be a better fit for you. You will do better if you first identify what you expect to get out of the transfer, ie have goals. Good luck.</p>