Thinking in applying this winter?

<p>Hi, I am an international student that applied to college the winter of 2004, and then again the winter of 2005. I was not accepted anywhere the first time. I really didn't know anything about college in the US that time.
The second time (now), I got accepted into two great schools with a very good financial aid. Many people helped me in all the process, so I would be very pleased to help anyone.</p>

<p>Its VERY hard to get into, but many have made it, IT'S POSSIBLE!</p>

<p>hey! i am taking a gap year too .. was depressed at first, but now im so excited because im thinking of 100's of things to do..
I intend to do engineering, could you advise me some universities (for a student with 2100+ SAT I and 750 + SAT II)?</p>

<p>and how much aid did u get from HMC? and what were ur STATS?</p>

<p>The rankings were my source, i think they give you a very good idea.
Do not apply to schools you really would not like to attend, because you will very probably not get in anyway.
About the aid, they were very generous. I would say that if they take you, and you are really interested in enrolling, they might give you exactly what you need, even 100% of the total cost if it would be the case. (I would prefer not to disclose exact amounts)
Depending on where are you from, I think your numbers are ok even for the Ivy League. Remember however that a person is not made by numbers. It would amaze you how important this is for Ad Staffs. And it should be for you. =)</p>

<p>(Curiosity) Why are you taking a gap year? Where are you from? And, were would you like to go to school and why?</p>

<p>This last question is one of the most important in this whole process.
Good luck
I hope this helps</p>

<p>U think my stats are ok for the ivy leage? I was not applying to any this year (except maybe 1 ED). I am taking a gap year because I didnt get into the places I wanted to go to. I got into WPI (but with v. little aid so theres no point) and NUS (but i want to go to the US). Plus, I wanted to do more ECs n stuff. I am from Pakistan and didnt score well on my SATs either (1990 first attempt and didnt study) so i plan to retake them (i thought SATs dont matter that much but a few colleges told me that my SATs were not that good and that is why they rejected me). I am inclined towards engineering, but would also want to take someLiberal arts courses (maybe even minor in philosophy or german) so im a tech-nerd but like the sciences and math (that is why i like brown, Northwestern etc). I reaalllyyy like Princeton but do u think i will just be wasting my time applying there?</p>

<p>Anyone with a good reason to be in the Ivy League can get into. Even with no SAT's or EC'S. Some good 500 words, solely by themselves, would be able to put you anywhere.</p>

<p>Just as an exercise, with no modesty, nor falsehood: why should any college take you? What do you think would be a good reason? Give me a 5 line answer. Think about it thoroughly, i will give you my opinion and many other on this site will too.</p>

<p>I will wait for your answer =)</p>

<p>omg! I can't think of unique things.. thats scary... i'll try but don't butcher me if it sucks :)! </p>

<li><p>Lived in a diverse environment all my life ( 6 years in Pakistan and 4 years in india, international schools, lots of travelling + huge economic diversity) - therefore diversity is what gets me excited, taught me to handle adversity, tolerate other's people's opinions, and makes me very open-minded. I am not afraid to express my own opinion and sometimes get in trouble because of that in Pakistan.</p></li>
<li><p>Like to take risks academically (pursuing one of the toughest courseload ever in school, broken paradigms of subject combinations allowed in schools by taking subjects on my own) and just have a passion to learn be it the sciences or the arts - (this has transcended into a state of uncertainty of what I want to do /career i want to pursue - but I would again like to take risks in college and find my own niche).</p></li>

<p>and umm ... </p>

<p>-I have recently overcome a speech impediment (stuttering) which a speech therapist said its not curablee - shows a lot about my determination to succeed in life and let know communication barrier come in my way. (sorry im very sleepy so ill go !)lol</p>

<p>Yes, you are unique. Best of luck for your Princeton ED. :)</p>