Thinking of applying to these 4 colleges

<p>Hey folks. Currently I attend a CC. Currently I have 2.0. End of fall hopefully if I do well like I planned I can get 2.5 overall college GPA. I am thinking of applying to these Texas colleges</p>

<li><p>Texas A&M University @ College Station (I live in this town and my father is a professor here) So it would probably be the best idea. Only problem is I have been in this town for 10 years and I really want a change from this conservative town. </p></li>
<li><p>University of Texas @ Austin - Great university, but hard to get into with my stats. My #1 choice though. I love Austin. I know plenty of UT students. They have a great Pharmacy school #2 in nation (I am pre-pharm) </p></li>
<li><p>University of Texas @ Dallas - I just recently looked into this college, looks very nice. But don’t know too much about it except Dallas is a nice place. Might be hard to get into, but possible…</p></li>
<li><p>University of Houston - Probably my ‘safety school’. Very diverse college. Has a good pharmacy program too.</p></li>

<p>I plan on applying for the Summer 06 to continue my pre pharm courses. </p>

<p>So I was just curious if you guys have anything to say about either one of the college, whatever input will be helpful. Thanks for your time!</p>

<p>UHouston I heard has the lowest SAT scores in the nation.......I would kill myself before I'd go to Texas A&M being surrounded by Bush-worshipping consrvatives, i do not know nething about Dallas, I would go with UT-Austin which is the best overall and for your major, but you're right, especially with the 10% rule, it would be incredibly difficult for you to get accepted. I recommend showing interest, maybe apply ED (?). Good luck. P.S. How are your SAT's and extracurriculars?</p>

<p>Horrible, heh. So U of H is for me hahah. Let's just say I didn't care about my education until just recently. But thanks for your input.</p>

<p>UT would be really hard for you to get into....</p>

<p>A&M......also a little hard to get into but having your dad work there really i would hate to go there</p>

<p>U of H.... probalby the worst of the 4 but still pretty good....i hate houston so i personally would not go there....but i know ppl that liked going there....</p>

<p>UT dallas..... not hard to get into.... even with your gpa.... i think this would be the best choice ....nice school....</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>A&m, Dallas and Houston you have a good shot at</p>

<p>lol thats funny yall hate a&m too</p>

<p>i thought i was the only one..i guess it seems like that when u live in the damn town.</p>

<p>thanks for the help guys, i appreciate it!</p>

<p>ps - should i even bother applying to UT? some of my friends who attend there said they might like it that im from college statoin..since its a rivarly..but a long shot.</p>

<p>i probably wont get into UT...but im applying cuz ill hate myself for not knowing for sure that i wont get in..... i dont think you have a shot with that gpa....but i guess you can try</p>

<p>^ what is your GPA? where are you located?</p>

<p>you should look at SFA and lamar and sam houston</p>

<p>take a look at Drake University in Iowa. Good for pharmacy and not as selective as UT.</p>

<p>Auro- I will second the UH has a great pharmacy school ..good choice.</p>

<p>If you want another selcteion look at Texas Tech, good school lots of diversity, they have a pharmacy program --dont know how it works and all , bu thave a look. I would put UH and Tech above UT-Dallas--even though UTD is a good school-i hear</p>

<p>Cool. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.</p>

<p>Put these schools on your list too!</p>

<p>U of Texas-Arlington. Great sciences program. Yeah, it's a stepchild to Austin (I hear that school spirit is somewhat lacking) but no one can deny the quality of the programs at UTA.</p>

<p>Prarie View A&M. If you're a ethnic "majority" student, this would be an interesting place for you. I believe it has a pharm program and I know from personal contacts that it places its alumni in some top graduate science and professional programs. Also, like some HUBCs, I believe it offers extra financial incentives to entice majority students to attend. I hear that the campus and surrounding town are quite nice.</p>