Thinking Of Dropping Out Of IB Junior Year/Pursuing University Transfer Program Instead

Hi everyone!

I am currently a month away from completing my first year of IB, and honestly I’ve never wanted to take the program, but I had to because my parents wanted me. This year was really difficult for me and I’m just not happy in general. I took SL Math in the first semester but I dropped to Math Studies after receiving poor grades from SL Math. I have a deep interest in Business, and I’ve decided to pursue a Major in Human Resources Management when I graduate. However as most of you all know, most top universities don’t consider Math Studies if you want to do Business. The first choice for university is Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, due to the fact that they have an excellent Business program. I have read a lot about Fraser International College, which is a direct pathway program to SFU, and I’ve been thinking about pursing that program instead and dropping out of IB. Should I risk my IB diploma, or should I go for the pathway program?

Any comments or advice is appreciated! :slight_smile: