Thinking of the future..Q on req. freshman courses

<p>Can any one link me to where the list of freshman req. courses are?..or provide the first few books we would need to read in the core. </p>

<p>I heard that the Iliad was last years first read. I loved the Oddesy so i hope the Iliad is good.</p>

<p>Are there better professors per course or would that depend on the person...and they should over load initially and drop the ones they don't like. ( I was reading links form last year some ppl did that..not sure if its legal)</p>

<p>I will have more questions later. Thanks in advance. I can't wait to meet new ppl there!</p>

<p>[2008</a> - 2009 SEAS Bulletin:Undergraduate Programs](<a href=“]2008”></p>

<p>The Iliad is the first one you’ll read–I loved it.</p>

<p>“Are there better professors per course or would that depend on the person”</p>

<p>Obviously it’s subjective to a degree–but if a professor is considered good, it’s by popular opinion.</p>

<p>“they should over load initially and drop the ones they don’t like”</p>

<p>You mean classes? Yeah sign up for more initially then drop the ones you don’t like before the specified drop date.</p>

<p>Also, regardless of how popular professors are for the core classes, at least as a freshman, you don’t really have a choice. Core classes you are automatically signed up for, with a predetermined professor (if things go <em>really</em> bad, or if there is some sort of weird conflict, you can petition to switch classes, but that is rare)</p>

<p>Lit Hum Syllabus is here</p>

<p>[Literature</a> Humanities | Columbia College](<a href=“The Core Curriculum | Columbia College”>Literature Humanities | Columbia College)</p>

<p><3 plato
<3 homer
<3 the bible
<3 columbia!!!
wow i really can’t wait until college. :)</p>

<p>thank you guys/girls so much, that was really helpful… and ditto what justbelieve said lol </p>

<p>can you explain predetermined core classes? I thought you could pick professors in core classes too or is it jut your particular major courses.</p>

<p>You can pick professors in your core classes, but you’re assigned your core classes (lit hum and UW/Frontiers of Science, depending on your last name) in the first semester. Second semester you can sign up for any section of UW/Frontiers, but I can’t remember if you can see the professor’s name.</p>

<p>I think you remain in your lit hum section by default in semester 2, and you may have to petition to change it.</p>



<p>I don’t think that’s the case now. You’ll be assigned a section for Lit Hum but you won’t know who your prof. is. You also can’t switch sections unless you prove that you have a scheduling conflict for another class that is required and there is no other alternative.</p>



<p>I think I saw my professor’s name for UW but it wasn’t very useful since most of them are graduate/MFA students and won’t have culpa reviews. Same deal with FroScie.
But, if you have the chance, sign into Emily Austin’s section for UW if you can. She’s a really great teacher and pushes you to become a better writer but with the additional understanding that you’re a stressed out student with a bunch of other classes on your plate.</p>

<p>isn’t drake going to SEAS? then why are we talking about lit hum and frontiers??</p>

<p>the only class you are automatically signed up for freshman year where the prof/instructor matters is university writing. if you aren’t taking U writing first semester you’ll be taking gateway…which is BS and you don’t need to prepare for it. </p>

<p>if you want to worry about anything or prepare for anything it should be physics/chem/calc</p>

<p>thanks I did get AP chem, Compsci, Physics books. I may get Calculus.</p>

<p>I will plan on taking Gateway in the first semester, and the physical Edu. courses so i can get that out of the way.</p>

<p>you don’t get to choose whether you take gateway or U writing first semester, you are assigned to one or the other.</p>