<p>Since I've got most of my credits covered for the other requirements, should I start my third language (French) next year? I'm taking my second language right now (Spanish), and not having any problem getting the materials done.
I do not have any basic background knowledge in French so I'll have to start from the most basic course offered in our school. And taking another language won't affect my credits/requirements at all.</p>
<p>Or is it just better to take advanced senior courses than taking an another language?</p>
<p>And can anyone tell me the advantages of graduating early?</p>
<p>From what I know, colleges prefer dedication over quantity... but if you really like learning languages you may still want to take French.</p>
<p>I'd suggest taking a french course over the summer and seeing if you like it. Then see if you can transfer out of your Spanish only if you prefer it.</p>
<p>You should just take advanced language over a new language. Unless you're REALLY interested in taking on another language. However, like datdo said, colleges like it better when you stick with a language. </p>
<p>Uhm, I honestly don't know any good advantages of graduating early. Imo, it's better to graduate with your class unless you are going to a special college that allows you to enroll right away. Other than that, I would just wait it out and go through all the fun senior events :D.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the answers ! XD
But what I'm exactly trying to do is, to take Spanish AND French, so that I have double language in my high school years.</p>
<p>Oh if you're planning on taking both and feel you can do it GO FOR IT! French and Spanish compliment each other in a lot of ways and it wouldn't be that bad of a transition.</p>